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whereabouts of 16th R.W.R. 24th/25th Arpil 1918


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*... Apologies - this shouldn't be a section - it should be under the section on the Royal Warwickshire Regiment ... *

I'm trying to tie up a few loose ends regarding my grandfather...any ideas most welcome..

Robert Augustus Newsom, born 2nd October 1898

Gained Commission on 29.09.17 from 1st/28th London Regt (Artist's Rifles) as 2nd Lieutenant and joined 16th Royal Warwickshire Regiment. Service number : 762542

I know he was in Italy [near Padua] when the German Spring Offensive started in 1918 and I have seen reports that he may have been sent to the area around Bapaume.

He was on the front line when 2 semi-notable events occured [which might trigger a memory with someone else out there..?]

1) R.A.N. was commanding a section at a crossroads when one of the Lewis machine gunners ["King"?] assigned to his section opened fire on "a civilian walking down the road wearing a bowler hat". What is striking about this is that he was in front line at the time [as opposed to a support or reserve trench]...and this bowler-hatted civilian came walking towards their position...

2) In the region about Foret De Nieppe, his section had just moved up to an incomplete trench when he was instructed to carry out a rifle inspection. As there was insufficient room to conduct the inspection in the trench, he got out and ran along the top of the trench while his soldiers all raised their rifles for him to inspect down the barrels. Unfortunately, a German F.O.P. was situated in a church tower and not only did R.A.N.'s action demonstrate that there were British soldiers now back in the trench, he accuarately indicated the exact position of the entire section. A fierce bombardment followed and one private ["Foster" ?] was badly wounded by shrapnel in the thigh and another ["Barnes"?] was killed as a direct action of R.A.N.'s actions [something that haunted him for the rest of his life].

Neither of these incidents are that memorable in the big scheme of things...but they might have been ridiculous enough that they were remembered by individuals..?

But what I am having trouble pin-pointing is where he would have been when he led a small raiding party, sent out to silence a german machine gun team on the night of 24th/25th April 1918 - he left the two privates and a corporal ["Hicks" ?] a short way behind and went on ahead to throw his grenades into the machine gun position. Unfortunately, he over-shot the position and was much closer to them than he had anticipated. To exacerbate his situation, the pin in his first grenade refused to budge...and he was shot three times. Luckily he managed to make it back to the rest of his raiding party. Dragged and half-carried back to the trench by Corporal Hicks, R.A.N. was then sent to a Casualty Clearing Station and then home to England.

Another thought - perhaps there is a Corporal Hicks who was 'mentioned in despatches' or awarded in someway for his part in this action?

Anyway - any thoughts and feedback most welcome!

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Hello Grandson(and me only 37!).

A quick look at the Long,Long Trail,shows the 16th Warwicks arrived back in France and Flanders in April 1918.

The British army had been a bit busy in the month or so before the date that you mention,and had suffered many losses,KIA,wounded and captured.

RNDHave a look at this link,and it may give you some idea of the area.

It seems you have a good first hand account at hand.

All the best,and good hunting.

Simon Furnell.

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I checked the War Diary of the 16th Bn., RWR for you.

The 16th Bn. returned to France 08/04/18,

8th [April 1918] : detrained at PETIT HOUVIE & marched from there to billet at BOUQUEMAISON arriving at 3 p.m.

10th : arrived at COULLEMONT at 3 p.m.

11th : Bn. left SAULTY at 2.45 pm & detrained at AIRE at 1.20 am 12th inst.

12th : Bn. marched to MAZINGHEM arriving at 3 am. Bn. marched via GUARBECQUE ST VENANT HAVERSKERQUE arriving at CROIX MARRAISSE at 5.45 pm where BN. bivouaced.

23rd 7.50 p.m. : Message from Bde to say Guards Bde 31st Div on left will carry out an operation at 8.40 Pm. tonight at FME BEAULIEU. The operation was a success & 11 prisoners & 2 MGs were captured. Capt. F.W. RICHMOND wounded but remained at duty.

24th 9.15 p.m. : 15th Infty Bde OO 181 received saying that 1st BEDFORDS will advance their line from LES LAURIERS...The 95th Infty Bde will conform on the Right zero hour 9.30 pm on 25th April. The operation was a success allobjectives were gained & a certain number of prisoners & MGs taken.

25th 9.15 p.m. : 15th Infty Bde OO 182 received saying that in the night of 27th 28th, Bde will be relieved by 13th Infty Bde. 16th R War R will be relieved by 3 Coys 14th R War R & 1 Coy 2nd KOSB...

I hope this info. will be useful to you...


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