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wonder if any service no expert can tell me anything about my great uncle from his service no or any of the dates below

17461 Pte George Clingo, Norfolk Regt

He went to France on 2/9/1915 & was discharged due to injuries on 14/9/1918. At some point he was in the 8th Bn, Norfolk Regt. Was he a pre war TF soldier?

All The Best


all above info from MIC

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I'd say his service number was too high for either a regular or a terrier. Kitcheners men were moving to France post-Loos en masse so it's possible your looking at a 1914 volunteer.

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Hi Chris

Someone will correct me if wrong but:

5 digits suggests he was either a New Army man, or maybe transferred out of a TF unit before March 1917. 6 digits would suggest he had an old number up to 1917 & was changed in line with the '4 digit men'. If you find an 'old' 4 digit number it would obviously increase the liklihood of being TF pre war,or at least originally signing into a TF Btn.

Have you checked his Btn's medal rolls praps as the ones Ive seen (Beds Regmnt) give both numbers where they exist & hence clues? If he got an SWB, may be clues on there too?

As the 8th Norfolks were New Army Btn, no clues there, and the entry date doesnt really help either way sorry to say! They both suggest a 'normal' enlister on the surface.

What Service no & Corps does the MIC list specifically Chris?

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Many thanks to you both for the answers so far. Ive attached his MIC if this helps

All The Best



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With your great uncle arriving in France on 2 Sep 1915, I think it points towards him being a member of the 9th Norfolks which landed in France 28 Aug-4 Sep 1915.


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Does John Clingo's MIC (in ur sig) say the same entry date by chance? Starting in the 9th & x-ferred to the 8th praps?? could answer that one for a start!

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Unfortunately there is no entry date on John Clingo's MIC, but the medal roll No on the MIC for both is K/1/102 B4 page 741 is there any significance in this.

All The Best


Jim, Many thanks for that

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Well, if the page nos are the same, I believe they were in the same Btn when the Rolls were made (someone correct me if not please?). the only pages of Rolls Ive seen work like that ...

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Many thanks for that.

All The Best


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