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Mapping the First World War - Peter Chasseaud

Dawley Jockey

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Hi, Not sure if anyone has already posted this but have seen the book 'Mapping the First World War - Peter Chasseaud' in two local 'The Works' shops for £9.99 instead of the normal £30 not a bad pressie for the New Year :D


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For some reason, that book seemed to hit the remaindered book price with amazing speed. I bought my copy from 'The Book People' for something like a tenner only a couple of weeks or so after it was published... ... though I soon wished I'd spent that tenner on something more useful (like beer)!


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Hi, Not sure if anyone has already posted this but have seen the book 'Mapping the First World War - Peter Chasseaud' in two local 'The Works' shops for £9.99 instead of the normal £30 not a bad pressie for the New Year :D


Chasseaud's Mapping the Front going cheap at The Works and the next few posts following.

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I got a copy for Christmas and it's not a title I would have bought for myself. Peter Chasseaud has various well-received publications to his credit, and I look forward to trying to discover why Dave would rather have spent the purchase price on beer. Horses for courses ...

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Not good.

Not good at all.

I wanted a book about Mapping the First World War. Like it says on the tin.

What I got was a history of the war on all fronts by a man who is not primarily an historian, illustrated with a hotch-potch of photographs, maps from various sources, and propaganda material. Many of the maps are of such reduced scale to fit the page that even a magnifying glass is inadequate.

The only page I have found of much use is that illustrating the pre-war map coverage produced for the BEF, page 39.

Fortunately it was a present to me, but very much the dog of 2014 as far as I am concerned.


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... Peter Chasseaud has various well-received publications to his credit, and I look forward to trying to discover why Dave would rather have spent the purchase price on beer...

Pretty much for the same reasons as covered by Grumpy (above), Mick.

A bog standard general history of the war as a whole and not much besides. :(


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Which might explain why it appears to have hit the remainder bins so quickly.

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I agree that the maps have been considerably shrunk down to fit the book - would have been much better to have split it up into a series of volumes concentrating on particular sectors.

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Checked it out at the works and put it straight back in the shelf.


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I haven't had time to look in any detail yet, but it's rather depressing if something published by Collins in association with the IWM can be so poorly received.

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I'm really looking forward to my copy turning up in the post after having read this lot!

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I was quite surprised to see that Peter Chasseaud's other book ' Artillery's Astrologers' is selling for around £100 +, although I notice that N&M Press have it in their Winter sale

for £39.96, so it maybe a good time to acquire a copy if anyone has been looking for a cheaper one.

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I was quite surprised to see that Peter Chasseaud's other book ' Artillery's Astrologers' is selling for around £100 +, although I notice that N&M Press have it in their Winter sale

for £39.96, so it maybe a good time to acquire a copy if anyone has been looking for a cheaper one.

That is a superb work.

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Difficult to link the same name with both these. I guess one was published to to be available in, and take advantage of, 2014. Like several others!

Old Tom

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The real problem is [to my mind] the TITLE of the book.

I thought it was going to be about Mapping.

I did not want [yet another] history of the war on all fronts for the whole period.

What I got was a history of the war on all fronts for the whole period with one or two useful maps, a large number of very-difficult to read maps, some random illustrations and not a lot else.

There is probably not a lot wrong with the book [as in inaccuracies, typos, layout, paper, binding] but it emphatically was not what it said on the tin. I expect somebody somewhere will like it.

As it is, because it was a present, I am a bit stuck, and have already told a few porkies to the donor.

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Oh dear...I made the mistake of buying it for someone knowledgeable who is probably feeling similarly constrained, at least as long as the season of goodwill lasts.

As it is, because it was a present, I am a bit stuck, and have already told a few porkies to the donor.

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Checked it out at the works and put it straight back in the shelf.



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Oh dear. I've just struck it from my Amazon wishlist having read this thread. Now there is only one map book remaining there, still to be released and I won't place a pre-release order on it, just in case that too turns out to be a box of frogs!

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I happened t visit a branch of The Works at a garden centre in Cambridgeshire yesterday, where this was on offer. I had a quick scout through it and see what you all mean. I put it back, I might add.

I did buy, for £5.99, a copy of The Holy Boys, a concise history of the Royal Norfolk Regiment and the Royal Anglian Regiment, produced at £19.99 by Pen & Sword. It looked worth a punt at that price.

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As disappointing as this thread says. Now who do I know who has a birthday coming up?

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More like:

"who do we wish to wreak revenge on"

but the postage is a bit steep so:

"who do we wish to wreak revenge on, living within reasonable delivery distance on foot, bike or horse?"
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Just put insufficient postage and leave it to chance.

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