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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

To Stiletto 33853


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Hello Andy,

I saw a post on this board on the 29-10-2004 where you answered a number of questions concerning the Rifle Brigade. I have been trying to find out a bit about my Grandfather who I believe was a regular in the army before the war started. What I know is that he was in the Rifle Brigade up until the end of 1915 when he joined the MGC. What I would like to know is can you tell from his number what Regiment of the RB he was in.

Regards Chris

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Hi Chris,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, have been away on an unexpected business trip and have a lot of catching up to do. I have e mailed you off forum.


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I have a similar request for any Rifle Brigade experts -

My Grandfather William George Kemish joined the Rifle Brigade 3.09.14 and sent to France with the 12th battalion 21.07.15 - he was sent back to England 04.09.16 and later transferred to 15th (TW) Batt Worcestershire Regt in 1917 and worked in Southampton Docks, later he was transferred to 16th (TW) Batt Worcestershire Regt until his demob in 1919. His Regt No was 2084 (RB) & 45657 (Worc Regt)

I do have his service record from PRO (thanks to Marc Thompson) but am interested in where he saw action and would be grateful for any information

Thanks MJM

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The details for the 12th are probably too long to put on the forum, if you e mail me off forum i will get all the Regimental accounts of this battalions actions to you.


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War service record sent, you might care to look at the Long Long Trial as to a guide of this battalions actions in the 20th Light Division.


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Pulled the relevant Kings Regulation 392(xi) concerning misconduct today. E mail me off forum and i will send it to you.


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Hi Chris,

Yes i got your e mail, had to spend some time doing domestic chores this weekend, will be scanning and sending the info from the NA tonight for you.


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