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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Middlesex Rgt. (16th and 5th Battalions)


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Hello there folks,

I am new to this forum and am hoping for some assistance in researching my grandfather's service in the Middlesex Regiment.

My grandfather, Nigel Levy, was discharged from the army in December 1917 as a result of severe shell shock sustained while on active service. The information I have is taken from an appeal made against the final disablility award.

Nigel enlisted as a private in the 16th (Public Schools) battalion on 29 Oct 1914. He was appointed to a temporary commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 5th bn Middlesex Regiment.

He proceeded to France in October 1915 and was admitted to No. 1 General Hospital (Etretat?) on 18 May 1916. He did not return to active service.

The 'Long, Long Trail' website states that the 5th bn remained in England for the duration of the war. This appears to contradict my information.

Can anybody cast some light on the matter? Where was the 16th bn in action between October 1915 and May 1916?

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Justin Levy

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16th Middlesex arrived in France on 17th November 1915 as part of 100th Brigade, 33rd Division. The rest of the year was spent in training and getting front line experience near Bethune. They were there until 25th February, being involved in various trench raids, before they moved to Quiestede near St Omer where they stayed for two months training. On 24th April they moved by train to Doullens, joining the 29th Division at Auchonvillers near Beaumont Hamel (Somme) where they prepared for the opening of the Battle of the Somme.

Nothing of significance occured during May 1916 but both front lines would have been bombarded from time to time and, as your man was discharged suffering severe shell shock, I assume he was caught by a German barrage whilst the battalion was in or near the front lines.

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Thank you very much indeed for the speedy, detailed information.

But, what do you make of the part about the 5th battalion?

Do you know whether this battalion saw active service?


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Hello Justin

The 5/Middlesex were a reserve or depot battalion. The role of such establishments was to supply troops to the front line (fighting) battalions. When your Grandfather gained his commision it is very likely that he was posted to the 5th Bn. to await a draft to a front line battalion. In my view (but I am no expert with the Middlesex Regt) it is possible that he was posted back to the 16th Bn but I would have thought it more likely that he was drafted to a different one.

Every regiment at this time had at least one reserve battalion.


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I have just looked through my grandfather's photo album, and there are photos of him as a private with various others in 1914 and 1915. The captions refer to 16th PSB Middlesex at Woldingham and Fort Darland in 1915.

A closer look at the 'final appeal' document reveals that the Army Medical Board held in August 1917 judged him fit for light duty and instructed him to report to the OC of the 5th Middlesex.

I remember seeing my grandfather's campaign medals and his certificate of commission as a child. I shall rummage around at my mother's house when I visit her at the end of next week.



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