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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

183rd Tunnelling Company

Tony Wizzz

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Looking for info, would there be a War Diary?

Researching Frederick Eddy KIA 01/12/1915.

Almost certainly killed in this incident: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2611123/First-World-War-officers-death-frozen-time-watch-stopped-moment-German-exploded.html

1 December: Nine men and one officer from No.183 Tunnelling Company, Royal Engineers, are killed near Fricourt after the detonation of an enemy mine leads to the crushing of galleries; two men were gassed when escaping and one officer and two men were crushed in the collapse of a shaft lodgement.




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From the NA:

WO 95/406 - Army Troops: 183 Tunnelling Company Royal Engineers

CURRENT DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY (July 2014-February 2015): Please note that this piece will be amongst those which will be unavailable in the reading rooms for short periods of time in the next few months while we conserve and digitise it.



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I have the burial details of all 10 men killed in this incident, the NO BODIES FOUND reference does it relate to all 9 of the non-commissioned Sappers?


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Hi Tony - here is the appropriate page from 183TC's diary. I have the maps too which identify the exact spot where the men were killed. Please PM me or email via my website and I'll send these (and the diary page below) at a decent resolution.

All best,



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Thanks that's brilliant Jeremy, have sent contact details via your website. Do you know what the NO BODIES FOUND refers to?

Thanks again


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From the NA:

WO 95/406 - Army Troops: 183 Tunnelling Company Royal Engineers

CURRENT DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY (July 2014-February 2015): Please note that this piece will be amongst those which will be unavailable in the reading rooms for short periods of time in the next few months while we conserve and digitise it.



I check now and again to see if its available, but it seems to have disappeared, does this mean its temporarily withdrawn?

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