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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Identify the Regiment


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This is Joseph Nurse of Weybourne, Norfolk.

I think the cap badge is Royal Artillery, but does the other items of uniform indicate anything else(not quite sure what is hanging from his left breast pocket).

Again i have no details of his military service. Like his brother on the previous thread survived the war.

Looking on the MIC, i deduced that he was Joseph Nurse- Royal Garrison Artillery. Any comments from the experts would be most welcome.


ps as you can see from my signature at the bottom, their other brother John Nurse never made it home!


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Certainly Royal Artillery Jamie. There is only one Joseph Nurse in the Artillery according to the Medal Index Cards on line.

80794 Gnr Joseph Nurse, Royal Garrison Artillery.

You can download his Medal Index Card here:




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Oops didn't read your post. A common problem..fingers working before mind. I would agree this is likely to be your man although there is no way of telling from his uniform if he was RGA, RFA or RHA.



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