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Looking for a good read on the Battle of The Frontiers.......Plan 17 etc. any ideas? I am aware of one but it is flawed? Zubers account.


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Ian Senior's 'Invasion 1914' perhaps? I have it, but it is in the to-do pile, so I don't know if it's good, bad or indifferent. If you have a Kindle, it's 99p as we speak, which is a bargain, even if it's not very good.

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'Invasion 1914' was a good buy at 99p and probably worth more. Barbara Tuchman's 'August 1914' is a classic that is well worth seeking.


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Thanks both, often overlooked Tuchmans account.


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Hi Tim,

How's your French ? Tuchman's account of the actual battles has many inaccuracies. Zuber's is more accurate but still rather one-sided. Jean-Claude Delhez' two volume set is the best in my opinion (available from the author) or he has an abridged version available on Amazon.


Or there's a free guide in this thread:


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In my opinion Holger Herwig's book is excellent, well-researched and very readable. I've heard good things about Senior's and have it on my pile, but haven't got around to it yet.

Hasting's Catastrophe is also very readable, though greater in scope than just the opening moves.

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For all the inaccuracies, Tuchman for the beauty of her writing and storytelling (it's not remained in print for 50 years for nothing) but Senior for a plain straightforward factual account.


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Thanks all. Steve French not good enough I'm afraid.

Guns of August so far?


PS thanks Mods for the spell check on the thread title! Fat thumbs!!!


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Hi Tim,

Tuchman's is certainly the best read, her style is as gripping as Terence Zuber's isn't but his is a more accurate depiction of events (you have to concentrate on his facts rather than his opinions and extrapolations).

If you intend visiting the area the free guide isn't a bad start, even with ;limited French

Herwig's covers August 1914 to the Marne, similar ground to Sewell-Tyng's much earlier "Campaign to the Marne".

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I still would recommend Tyng's work above many other. more recent, works on the early month of the war - a little dated, but the man could write and he was very much in the 'know'; IIRC a member of the USA delegation at the Versailles Conference.

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