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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lancashire Heavy Battery


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Does anyone know if there is a complete list of all of the men who served in the Lancashire Heavy Batteries?

I have been informed that they used a very specific service number range and have done a test on the MICs and it looks possible that with a bit of effort a reasonably complete list could be created. If I then cross match this against CWGC database, rolls of honour, AVLs etc a useful database might start to emerge.

However.... I don't want to do this if at the end someone says..."Why didn't you ask X, they've got one already".

Any info gratefully accepted.



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it is probably an outside chance but it is worth looking at the War Diaries for the Batteries [at the PRO] if they exist. Very occasionally there are nominal rolls and/or lists of casualties/citations. I was lucky with my searching.


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