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any book with decent coverage of 10th Duke of Wellington's Regimen


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hi all, I'm interested in what the above battalion were up to between June 1916 and the beginning of October of that same year. There doesnt seem to be any books covering them in any detail - anybody able to contradict me?

I had a look at "History of the Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment (The Iron Duke's Own) during the first three Years of the great War from August 1914 to December 1917. By J. J. Fisher." but they only get a brief mention (in what is a small book anyway). I've got access to the war diary and know they were at Contalmaison on July 9th/10th and then in an action around Munster Alley on August 29th but would be interested if there is any further material out there.

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If you can find a copy there is some material in "History of the service battalions of the Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) in the Great war.by Donald Isles. It was published for the Regimental Association in 2007 in very limited numbers. It has 37 pages on the 10th Battalion.



There was also a TYPED document

"The story of the 10th (service) battalion during the 1914-1918 War compiled by an officer who was with us practically the whole time" is mentioned in this book, and a copy will hopefully be at the regimental museum.

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The Regimental Museum website records the winning of the VC by 2 Lt Kelly on 4 October 1916

The First World War, 1914 – 1918

2nd Lieutenant Henry KELLY, 10th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment

For most conspicuous bravery in attack at Le Sars on 4th of October, 1916.

He twice rallied his company under the heaviest fire and finally led the only three available men into the enemy trench and there remained bombing until two of them had become casualties and enemy reinforcements had arrived.

He then carried his Company Sergeant Major, who had been wounded, back to our trenches, a distance of 70 yards, and subsequently three other soldiers.

He set a fine example of gallantry and endurance.

(London Gazette, 25th of November, 1916)

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thanks a lot Keith, will try to check those out soon. The Isles book doesnt appear to be in the British Library but will have a look elsewhere. The man I'm researching - William Ogden (17560) was killed in that attack at Le Sars, hadn't realised someone had gotten the VC

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Have you looked at the Divisional History? http://www.naval-military-press.com/twenty-third-division-1914-1919.html



Cheaper here, with a penny or two for the GWF if you go through the Amazon link http://www.naval-military-press.com/twenty-third-division-1914-1919.html

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  • 4 weeks later...

Might be worth searching around under the term "Tunstill's Men" who became 'A' Company of the 10th Battalion. There are a few references on here and I see that Skipton Academy is still running their blog, which is detailing a day to day account of what they were doing. If you contact them they might be prepared to share some of their research with you, which is predominantly about the men who joined up with Captain Tunstill to serve in the war. I was lucky enough to get to see a performance of the school's Promenade Play last year about the men, set in the grounds of Skipton Castle. It was an extremely memorable and thought provoking evening's entertainment.

There's also a forum thread here, started by Steve Howarth, I think he was involved in some way with the school's work.

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thanks Andy

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  • 1 year later...


Seldom jump on - but have a question about the 10th - it looks like the Regt (trying to read off very bad records) of my Dear Sweet Mother in Law (DSMILs) Uncle ; 18108 John Smith Hodgson MM & bar.

Would love some ideas on any reading available....

Kindest Regards


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  • 2 weeks later...


   Sgt John Smith Hodgson No. 18103,  London Gazette  MM 16-Aug-17 Page 8421, Bar to MM 24-Jan-19 Page 1205o.   Also have "History of the Service Battalions of the Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) in the Great war.by Donald Isles.   you Just let me know what you need.    Kindest Regards DaveC


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