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Brigade Histories.


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I`m not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask this, but does anyone know of any Brigade histories that I can buy?

I am particularly looking for the 4th (Guards) 42nd, and 69th brigades. Especially the 42nd

I have purchased several divisional/regimental histories, relevant to these brigades, but would like to delve deeper if possible.

I have bought the battalion diaries relating to two relatives who were in 4th and 69th brigades, but have none relevant to my relative in the 42nd, so that leaves a bit of a hole in my research into one of my relatives. The last time I checked, his service record was destroyed in the bombing, and his btn war diaries were not available either, so I`m well behind with him, and hoped that a Brigade diary might exist to help fill the gaps.

Many thanks for looking.

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I personally can't think of any published brigade histories, but their war diaries are available at Kew, although I suspect that they have not yet been digitised. I am surprised that the war diary for your relative in 42 Bde is not available or do you mean that this also has not been digitised?

Charles M

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Enser lists a few Brigade histories:-

Ommanney - 1st Northumbrian Brigade. 1927

Haldane -10th Infantry Brigade. 1920

Gleichen - 15th Infantry Brigade. 1917

History of the 50th Infantry Brigade. 1919

Stanley - History of the 89th Brigade. 1919

Jamie - The 177th Brigade. 1931

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Thanks to you all for replying. I should have said that the btn diary hadn`t yet been digitised, Charles, and on that subject, I have received photographed copies of the dates relevant to me, from a very kind member, and I would add, at astonishing speed. I am very grateful indeed to him for taking so much time and trouble, and would like to thank him publically, but hesitate to name him without asking him first.

I think that I was looking for the type of book that D.J.C. has kindly listed, and if the 69th and 42nd were available I would certainly buy them.

Mike`s post has surprised and delighted me, as I can now buy the portions that are relevant to me as downloads. Something I hadn`t considered, so, many thanks Mike. I`ll let you know how informative they are.

Cheers fellas.

EDIT: My first download came through surprisingly trouble-free, and incidentally at the same time as Andy/Stiletto`s message offering to send me portions of it. So, Andy was my anonymous benefactor, but now a big public thank you to him from me for the reams of information and help. :thumbsup:

Edited by neverforget
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