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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Book competition - joint WFA/Helion venture

Jonathan Saunders

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I received a flyer from the military-book publisher, Helion, this morning that may interest some of you. Helion seem streets ahead of competitors for quality publications at present so if you have an idea for a book this may be worth considering.

Good luck!

Helion & Company, in association with the Western Front Association (WFA), are delighted to announce a series of prizes recognising First World War scholarship. There is a tremendous breadth and depth of quality research being undertaken on innumerable aspects of the First World War, and it seems appropriate to recognise this on a formal and structured basis.

There will be three annual awards. Entrants will be requested to submit a book proposal based on either a PhD thesis, MA dissertation or as a result of private research. We have assembled a distinguished panel to assess the entries, and the first year’s results will be announced at an Oriental Club function in November 2015.

All prize-winners will receive a publishing contract from Helion, a very respectable cash sum and bronze figurine. The prize pot for 2015 is a total of £6,000, which will make the awards a significant presence in the non-fiction/academic world. After much deliberation amongst panel members, we decided to name the awards as follows:

• The Edmonds Prize – for a proposal based on a PhD

• The Holmes Prize – for a proposal based on an MA

• The Terraine Prize – for a proposal based on private research

Prize names have been selected in honour of three historians whose contribution to the available First World War historiography remains influential and enduring.

I believe we’re going to be seeing some groundbreaking work published in the coming years, and want Helion to be very much involved in that. We are dedicated to producing high-quality books, penned by committed and knowledgeable authors that provide readers and scholarship with new material, fresh angles and perceptions.

Duncan Rogers, proprietor, Helion

On behalf of the WFA as a whole, can I express how pleased we are to be involved in these awards. The furthering of education is one of the WFA’s key objectives and these awards perfectly assist in this quest.

Bob Paterson, Chairman of the WFA

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us via

info@helion.co.uk or by calling 0121 705 3393.

Entry forms can be downloaded at http://www.helion.co.uk/published-by-helion/western-front-association-first-world-war-prizesa.htm

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Thanks for posting!


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Even more interestingly, the link doesn't appear to work. Comes up with a "Whoops" message.

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Not me!

Don't suppose a book on Neath rugby club would qualify? Almost finished the text and quite a few battles on and off the field... :thumbsup:


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Who sits on the "distinguished panel"?


There's a link to the left of the blurb.

The link had just lost the 'l' from html at the end. This should work;




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