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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Court of Inquiry - 11 Bn. DLI

Ed Matthews

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I've found reference to my great-grandfather, Pte. John William TOMBLING, in the 11 Bn. DLI war diary. The entry for 13 February 1917 reads:

Court of Inquiry into accidental burning of Pte. Tombling, C. Coy. at Meaulte.

President: Capt. C. Palmer + 2 Subalterns of A Coy.

My question is, does anyone know where I might track down any further record of this Inquiry?

There is no further mention (perhaps not surprisingly) within the war diary. I expect that there is nothing further to be had but I thought I'd enquire anyway!

There is a story passed down in the family that my great-grandfather was badly burnt as a result of an incident in which petrol was used on a fire. As a result of this, he spent a considerable amount of time in Netley and was discharged from the Army due to the severity of his injuries. Up until relatively recently, I had been led to believe another family story that he was burnt during a German "liquid fire" attack but it would appear that this was not the case. Indeed, the 11th Bn. (divisional pioneers for 20th Division) were never the subject of such an attack and the war diary entry would tend to confirm the former tale.

His service papers are not amongst those at the NA.

Best wishes


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Hello Ed

I find that war diaries are very light on detail such as the type that you are looking. A much better bet would be the brigade diary, or even the divisional one, as I have found all manner of reports lodged here.


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Hi Andy

Many thanks for that - I'll give it a try the next time I'm at the NA. In your experience, how "high" would the findings of such an Inquiry in relation to an incident such as this have gone? It was presided over by a Captain and two Subalterns - does this sound like a likely complement for an Inquiry of this nature? I have to say I was most surprised (and pleased!) to see my great-grandfather's name in the War Diary! :D It looks like the whole affair was taken quite seriously.........

Best wishes


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