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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Glenn Warnes

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Does anyone know of the existence of any Royal Artillery battery/regimental lists of members who served in the RA during 1914 –1918 and also from 1905 to 1914.


(still trying)

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If you are asking about officers - yes. If you are asking about other ranks - a few. Regards. Dick

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The query is in regard to Sergeant (Daniel) Frank Warnes 39825.

All I know is that he served from 1/11/1905 to 14/12/1918 discharging from the 2 Depot (Preston???) and served overseas as he received his Victory and British War medals.

My current research shows he probably enlisted on a short-term engagement with reserve liability (7 yrs and 5 yrs reserve) leaving fulltime service in 1912. I am querying rolls and musters for that period for the Royal Artillery.

I don’t know when he rejoined the army during the conflict but being a senior soldier he may have been used in one of the training units training new recruits (all speculation) and subsequently served overseas in some capacity.

I know it is a long shot but I have very little to go on so a search of Royal Artillery battery/regimental lists may provide the additional information lost elsewhere.


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Guest dennis corbett

As a historian for the 2nd South Midland Brigade (later 241st brigade) RFA, I have to say that unfortunately very little information exists on the men of the RFA. Unless you happen to have someone like me with a particular interest in a brigade and who has more time on his hands than sense in his skull, RFA listings are a little like rocking horse droppings. If you access the war diaries for his brigade, you may be fortunate, as I was, to find that in amongst the actual diaries are sheets of daily orders. These list men by name and number with events associated with them. eg visits to hospital, pay rises, promotions, when taken on or struck off strength etc. If anyone has an interest in the Worcestershire artillery, please see my website http://www.denniscorbett.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/241.html. If you have an interest in a man there, I will freely pass on any info I have. Incoming (!) info also welcome.

Message to webmaster: can't I be a gunner instead of a private please? ;)

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Was there any relationship between the No. 2 Depot RFA and the 2nd Brigade RFA?, 2nd Brigade (6 Division) consisted of 21st, 42nd & 53rd batteries

No. 2 Depot and 2A Reserve Brigade RFA (7th, 8th & 9th Batteries) was based at Preston at the end of the war in 1918.

Both brigades were regular units.

I am working backwards to try and find a link to RFA Brigades and then Batteries.

What is the difference between the 2nd Brigade and 2A Brigade?

All info from ‘History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery’ (all I have to go on)

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