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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

St Helens and the South Lancs


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I started a general 90th annivery thread over on another forum back in the summer. As it quickly became apparent that only I was posting on it, I sharpened the focus away from general events to matters relating directly to my home town (St Helens) and the South Lancaashire Regiment, 5th battalion in particular.

Besides the usual general sources it feautures heavily the local press and regimental histories. I'm doing my best to keep it updated, but it does get away from me from time to time. :)

Please feel free to check it out, especially if you have an interest in the South Lancs. You can find it here: St Helens and the South Lancs - 90th anniversaries.

Thanks a lot,


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That's an excellent thread. Have you considered publishing it in due course?

If it makes it into print, put me down for a copy. Now, if only we could all produce something like that for our 'own' battalion it would be great.

Well done.

Good luck with the rest of it.


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thank you! :)

I am in the early stages of a project I hope will result in a book about St Helens ant the 1/5 South Lancs. Completing it seems a long way away, let alone publication, but I can hope!

I'll post a reminder here when I do a significant update of the thread. It would fit better here, but I help run that site and feel an obligation to try to get them interested in the Great War. Oh well...


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Do you know anything about 241694 Rifleman Henry Holcroft, DCM of the 1/5th South Lancs?

I have a little info on his award but you may already have it.



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I agree with Ken. This would make a great book and I'd go for it if I were you. My nan and grandad are from St Helens (Thatto Heath), and I'm from Prescot, so it's really interesting to see the local element alongside the national and international.



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Do you know anything about 241694 Rifleman Henry Holcroft, DCM of the 1/5th South Lancs?


The only thing I have on Henry Holcroft is that the regimental histories list his DCM award, Gazetted 3 September 1918. They list him as Corporal though.

I have very little on award details so far, so any info would be much appreciated.

Interestingly, I spotted a notice in the local archive today, advertising that a Frank Holcroft will be giving a lecture on 'Myths of the Great War'. I wonder...!



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The reason I asked about Holcroft is because he was recommended for the VC but that recommendation was reduced to the DCM somewhere along the chain.

Do you have a copy of the Bn War Diary? If you have we might be able to help each other with our respective research.



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Do you have a copy of the Bn War Diary? If you have we might be able to help each other with our respective research.



I have only a couple of sections of it: parts of Feb-April 1915, and parts of April 1917.

However, I am in the process of arranging some more trips to Fulwood Barracks to get the whole thing.

I do have both of the Regimental histories and the Divisional History, which give info about many actions, but not at the consistent detail of a battalion war diary. I scanned them for mentions of Holcroft, but only found him in the DCM appendices.

Do you know when the action he was awarded the DCM for took place, rather than when gazetted? I tried looking on the London Gazette site, but (as usual) it didn't work properly.

You are welcome to any info I can glean on my travels about men / topics of interest to you. Just let me know what you are looking for.



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Holcroft's citation reads:

"For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty near FESTUBERT on the evening of 10th April 1918, which materially affected the operations in that locality.

While a platoon of his Company was moving up to counter attack a party of the enemy on the right flank, Rifleman HOLCROFT rushed out of the trench on his own initiative, and attacked a machine gun and its crew single handed, which was holding up the platoon. He killed two, captured the gun and four prisoners, thus enabling the platoon to advance. He afterwards went out repeatedly under heavy fire, bringing in dead and wounded."



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thanks for that! Sterling stuff, and indeed similar to some VC citations.

When I scanned the regimental histories I didn't go as far back as April. I'll have another look and let you know what I find.



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