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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Road to the Somme by Philip Orr


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Have read this book 3 times this past year and every time I read it I get something new out of it. Well written and very instructive. I admit a bias to this book as one of the men interviewed by Philip Orr was my grandfather, Hugh James Adams, 16th RIR, from Crossgar.(He is the man pictured on my posts) I had heard the stories of the war my whole life until my "granda" died in 1997 and this book brought it all alive in a much more comprehensive way. I noted there were some old posts about this book from quite a few years ago but just wanted to recommend it as very good reading. This was also a bit emotional to read at times as some of the events described where events I knew included many of my relatives, some who never came home.

Highly recommend as an interesting and informative read.


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There have been two productions of this book, but I still like the original which has the painting by John Singer of a line of gassed soldiers,

on the dust cover, and has excellent illustrations / drawings inside.

A lot of people I know, had their interest awakened by this book.

The second production is a smaller size, and is printed on lesser quality paper, which I find doesn't have the same appeal.

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I must agree with you Heather, this is a very interesting and well written book. I came across my copy in a second-hand bookshop a few years ago. It is the 1987 edition and as Jonathan has said has a wonderful image on the cover. The original price printed on the book was £9.95 however the book seller was selling it for £35. When I asked why, he said it was out of print but I bought it anyway and it helped me with a lot of research I was doing at the time. Last year I was in the local library and came across the next edition which had been updated and corrected in parts by the author, having access to further information since his original book was published. Again I agree with Jonathan that this smaller book is not nearly as professionally produced as the original edition. The image of John Singer Sargent's "Gassed" on the cover, courtesy of the IWM, can be found here.



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The article with that link is fascinating, Anneca, thank you for bringing it to our attention!

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Having read these replies I must try and get a copy of the original book. I know some of my relatives have a copy and I would now like to compare the two.


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