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Last minute trip to Aubers Ridge on Saturday


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I am heading over to Zeebrugge tomorrow evening with a view to attending the memorial to the missing at Ploegsteert where my Great Uncle George Henry Woodey is remembered. George died at Aubers Ridge on the 9th May... this is very much a last minute thing as I wasn't sure I could spare time from work....but some things are imporatnt to remember!

I am travelling on my own and have hotel sorted at the Holiday Inn at lille...

Could anyone give me a few ideas of places where the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade would have seen action up until the 9th May 1915? I have a few guide books would would much prefer a more personal tour which takes in the places where my Great Uncle would have been.

I am also planning a quick tour of any sites around Zeebrugge too as my Grandad was part of the landings there in 1918 and was in the VC ballot at the time....

Many thanks for any response


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Barry have a good trip
take a camera post when you come back lots of Northampton's fell at Aubers :poppy:


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Barry have a good trip

take a camera post when you come back lots of Northampton's fell at Aubers :poppy:


will do Biff....

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If you go to the Service of Remembrance at the Ploegsteert Memorial at 3.30pm on Friday 8 May, you should find a number of people there who will tell you about commemorative events taking place at Aubers and Le Touret (for the southern battle) and Fromelles (for the northern battle) on Saturday 9 May.

If you're staying at the Holiday Inn Lille-Ouest at Englos, you may encounter others already there on Thursday evening.


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Hi Barry

Good luck with your trip; it is great that you will be there. I stayed in the Holiday Inn in Englos last month and it was very comfortable; the staff were excellent too. I'm sure you know that if you can get to the Cobbers Memorial near Fromelles and look north east you will I think be seeing the ground across which the 2nd attacked. The 2nd East Lancs were astride the road and the 2nd Northants on their right behind you If I am reading the maps correctly

I had a look at the Long Long Trail link at the top left of the forum page and looked up which brigade and division the 2nd were attached to. From this I reckon that a trip to Neuve Chapelle might be a good idea. I also had a quick search of the forum looking for 2nd Rifle Brigade and there were several posts which might be helpful.

As Mick says hopefully you will meet up with others who are intending to mark the occasion on Saturday. Have a great time.


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Hi Barry

Good luck with your trip; it is great that you will be there. I stayed in the Holiday Inn in Englos last month and it was very comfortable; the staff were excellent too. I'm sure you know that if you can get to the Cobbers Memorial near Fromelles and look north east you will I think be seeing the ground across which the 2nd attacked. The 2nd East Lancs were astride the road and the 2nd Northants on their right behind you If I am reading the maps correctly

I had a look at the Long Long Trail link at the top left of the forum page and looked up which brigade and division the 2nd were attached to. From this I reckon that a trip to Neuve Chapelle might be a good idea. I also had a quick search of the forum looking for 2nd Rifle Brigade and there were several posts which might be helpful.

As Mick says hopefully you will meet up with others who are intending to mark the occasion on Saturday. Have a great time.


Pete.... thank you for the post. To be honest this is all pretty new to me as I only really found out about George Henry a few years before my mum died and in that time I have managed to get his name on the local war memorial and find a photo of him and pay a visit to Ploegsteert a few years back.... I have managed to get a copy of the battalion diaries for the period up to when George died and they did indeed fight at Neuve-Chapelle.

Other than that I am a little in the dark with regards to visiting the actual battlefields as I have not had much luck in finding any decent maps that show the movements up to Aubers Ridge other than a few pins on a Google Map!

As for the Holiday Inn, I am a former Platinum Intercontinental Ambassador and have stayed in the group hotels all over the world.... as long as it has a bed and a restaurant I'll be happy :) :)

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If you go to the Service of Remembrance at the Ploegseert Memorial at 3.30pm on Friday 8 May, you should find a number of people there who will tell you about commemorative events taking place at Aubers and Le Touret (for the southern battle) and Fromelles (for the northern battle) on Saturday 9 May.

If you're staying at the Holiday Inn Lille-Ouest at Englos, you may encounter others already there on Thursday evening.


I had that in my diary Mick so hopefully I can find someone with a map to talk to :) :)

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Pete.... thank you for the post. To be honest this is all pretty new to me as I only really found out about George Henry a few years before my mum died and in that time I have managed to get his name on the local war memorial and find a photo of him and pay a visit to Ploegsteert a few years back.... I have managed to get a copy of the battalion diaries for the period up to when George died and they did indeed fight at Neuve-Chapelle.

Other than that I am a little in the dark with regards to visiting the actual battlefields as I have not had much luck in finding any decent maps that show the movements up to Aubers Ridge other than a few pins on a Google Map!

As for the Holiday Inn, I am a former Platinum Intercontinental Ambassador and have stayed in the group hotels all over the world.... as long as it has a bed and a restaurant I'll be happy :) :)

Barry, a Platinum Intercontinental Ambassador sounds awesome; do we need to call your excellency or something similar? If you wish you can send me a personal message with your email address and I'll send you some cartography which might help.


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Barry, a Platinum Intercontinental Ambassador sounds awesome; do we need to call your excellency or something similar? If you wish you can send me a personal message with your email address and I'll send you some cartography which might help.


That was a while back now Pete.... I still have the luggage tags though and did get a free weekend in the Intercontinetal in Geneva :)

I'll send my email address now and thank you so much for the offer!


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That was a while back now Pete.... I still have the luggage tags though and did get a free weekend in the Intercontinetal in Geneva :)

I'll send my email address now and thank you so much for the offer!


Baz, does the ambassador's limo have sat nav?


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Baz, does the ambassador's limo have sat nav?


The Ambassadors Limo is exactly that... A W221 S Class Long Wheel Base.... with the latest sat nav disks and updates :)

Ironic going there in a German Car!!

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Two emails have just winged their way to you. Have a great trip.


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Will also be there to mark the 100th Anniversary of Aubers Ridge and the 2nd Rifle Brigade. Staying at the Holiday Inn also along with a few others, although leaving the UK at the crack of Dawn on Friday due to work commitments. Look forward to seeing you there, you cannot miss me, tall, with a red birthmark on the right side of the face.


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Will also be there to mark the 100th Anniversary of Aubers Ridge and the 2nd Rifle Brigade. Staying at the Holiday Inn also along with a few others, although leaving the UK at the crack of Dawn on Friday due to work commitments. Look forward to seeing you there, you cannot miss me, tall, with a red birthmark on the right side of the face.


Hi Andy

I was hoping you would spot Baz's post, it's even better that you will be there. Baz is leaving at lunchtime today so I emailed him some basic maps and directions last night and if he doesn't read this but responds to me on email I'll pass on the message. If all else fails I suppose you could leave a message for him with reception at the Holiday Inn; I found them really helpful.

Have a great trip; I'll be there in spirit on Saturday morning.


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Thanks Pete,

I will leave a message at reception at the hotel, although it would be better to see one another at Ploegsteert as there are quite a few things planned for the 100th anniversary including a dawn vigil where relatives will be walking the route of the 2nd RB's attack at 0530 on the 9th May, and I would hate that he missed anything.


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I've just emailed Baz the text of your post just in case he doesn't sign in here. I'd hate for him to miss anything too.


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Thanks Pete,

He can't miss me at Ploegsteert, just tell him the tall ugly one :w00t:


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Hi Andy.... (and thanks to Pete for pointing the replies via email)

It would be great to meet up and have a chat... look forward to it, I'll be the fat one with the floppy hair !!

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Thanks to Pete,

I have given Pete my mobile phone number if you needed to get in contact but Ploegsteert would be the ideal place to meet, look forward to seeing you there.


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Please see this link (http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=227538) for details of the forthcoming commemorations at Fromelles and Ploegsteert.


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Great to meet you, I hope that you learned quite a bit about your relative over the weekend.


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WOW.... is all I can say. Never in my wildest dreams could I have thought I would learn so much about the Aubers Ridge Battle in such a short space of time from such amazing people...

Massive thanks go to Andy who has given me enough information to read to last me until this time next year... The guy is a true gentleman and good company too and having spotted him on my first morning in France looking like a lost sheep amongst the Australian memorial; I accosted him and became his shadow for three days :)

Another thank you too for Victoria... a truly remarkable lady who (as I have learned over the past weekend) has done so much to keep the memory of the Battle of Aubers Ridge alive and that of the lads who fought there. The commemorations were great and well planned (even with French intervention ) and the whole weekend was just fantastic.

Another special thanks to Mark for all the work he does with regards to the 2nd Batt. and also for agreeing for me to send over details of my Grandad who served in the Hampshire Reg. which turns out to be Marks specialist subject :)

If I could put together the best group of people to share the experience I have just witnessed the group woul;d consist of all of the above....so thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for helping me understand what my Great Uncvle George Henry Woodey went through 100 years ago.... frankly, I'm sure he would have preferred the Holiday Inn and medium rare steaks like we all had, but at least he will be remembered long after I'm gone and forgotten

I am already looking forward to the 200th anniversary get together :)

I will pop some photos up a little later


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That's brilliant; I was hoping that you would have a good experience but it sounds like it was beyond all expectations. I'll look forward to the pictures.


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I will second all of the above sentiments about V, Mark and Andy. I too remember being a "shadow" at the event - to V and Mark, in my case...

Sorry, I couldn't be there. I was instead helping in Northampton Museum at an event to keep the memory alive. It was well attended and hopefully we raised the awareness of the battle a little.

Hopefully, Paul Scotney made it to represent the Northampton end!


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Hi Steve,

Yes Paul made it with two of his colleagues who knew you well :w00t:

A great weekend, well attended with the weather being reasonably kind to us.

Baz, enjoyed your company immensely and am glad that we could help you widen your knowledge somewhat with regards to the 2nd Rifle Brigades attack on the 9th May.


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