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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

13th Battn CEF

182 CEF

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I am trying to find out info on the capture of the German Battries by Cpl Good VC on Aug 8th 1918, Does anyone have a copy of the 13ths History? I have read the online Battn Diary but would like more info. I am also interested on anything about Lt. or Capt Howard the Battn Adj.

Dean Owen

Whibty Ontario

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Hi Dean.

I have the 13th Bn history, if you want to email me and let me know what you are looking for in particular.



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Hello Dean,

I do not have a copy of the history, I just wanted to mention that some time ago I picked up a watch fob, it is a black ribbon with two clasps, one with the word 'Somme', the second with the date '8/10/16'. The Id disc is attached that belonged to G.M. Hewitt, No. 193444, 13 Canadian. I amassuming that he was involved in the fighting on that date, possibly wounded.

I know there are ways to check Canadian soldiers, would you know how? Just curious.



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Ralph, George Hewitt was lithographer from Scotland who joined the 92nd Battalion on 1915-09-23 in Hamilton. He likely sailed for England on May 20, 1916. The 92nd fed Central Ontario battalions like the 3rd and the 15th, and was affiliated with the 48th Highlanders Regiment.

Go here for a nice summary of Canadian research resources created by Neil Burns.

It looks like Hewitt survived the war, by the way.

Peter in Vancouver

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Hello Peter, Thanks for the information. I am glad that he sirvived the war, however I suspect that he was wounded on the Somme. The piece makes a nice presentation item.

Thanks again.


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182 CEF,

I apologize for not seeing your post earlier... Friday the 12th, I took the day-off to do some research at a small Historical Society in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. They have an original copy (numbered) of the 13th Battalion RHC history in WW1, which I ramdomly read for 10 minutes or so. Very interesting and not always "politically-correct" = quite refreshing! I could have picked the information for you right there! I will not be back for at least a few months... I can still look it up, then if you wish!


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