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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Ypres Salient

Jacks Grandad

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As a newly joined member just back from my first visit to Ypres I had a thought to buy a book of photographs of Ypres and surrounding villages consisting of photographs taken before the war and the same views taken during or after the war.

Does anyone know of such a book please?

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As a newly joined member just back from my first visit to Ypres I had a thought to buy a book of photographs of Ypres and surrounding villages consisting of photographs taken before the war and the same views taken during or after the war.

Does anyone know of such a book please?

Flanders then and now. The Ypres Salient by John Giles. First published in 1970 but still widely available.
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Thank you for the information. I will start looking for it now.

Interested to see that you are East Sussex so am I, about half way between Heathfield and Battle.


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Have a look at Michelin's Ypres and the Battle of Ypres on the Gutenberg Books site.

Plenty of battlefield maps, and good photos taken before and after the war. Can be downloaded or read online.


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The Ypres Salient by John Giles arrived today, ex library book.

It's ceratinly better than I already had but not quite what I was looking for. As an example I came across a photograph the other day of a view taken in front of the Cloth Hall in Ypres with wooden accommodation in front taken some time shortly after the war. I have tried to attach it (I found it on a site similar to this). The book I have in mind would have the photograph and then as close as possible to the same view today.

I was not looking for a book that decribes the actions around Ypres during the war just one of photographs / postcards taken during the war / at the end of the war with ones taken before WW1 or more likely fairly recently.

Thanks to Oldloyal, I will look up his recommendation too.

Kind regards


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Not specifically about Ypres, but if you can find a set of 'Twenty Years After', 3 volumes, published, yes, 20 years after the war ended, you may find some content of interest. Essentially, the publication visited various battle sites and commented in a 'Then and Now' format.

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There used to be a 'Then & Now' thread on this forum where people posted original and modern photographs of the same scenes, often 'blending' the two together to give the effect of soldiers marching down modern streets, etc. I've had a quick look but can't find it. Perhaps someone else can point it out?

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Thanks for the thoughts about Then and Now to Paul Granger and simond9x.

Will look for the book (s) "Twenty years After" which sounds something like the type of book I am looking to find.

I have considered buying some of the old postcards particularly if they are in good condition and appear to be original and then taking my own photographs. The only problem with that is that the cost of the postacrds will mount up alarmingly but will be offset by my flitting around Ypres with a camera to get similar views today. They would then have to be put together in a protective binder. Perhaps that is what it might come down to in the end.

If there is not some sort of copyright on old postcards perhaps some kindly publisher will seeks me out if I were to take such a route.

Kind regards

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Flanders Then & Now has just arrived by post.

Flicking through it looks as though this might be as close to what I would like as is available.

I will sit down over the weekend and go through it page by page and let this thread know.

Thanks to all who have responded and if anyone has any further knowledge I would be only to happy to hear from you.

Kind regards.

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It was interesting to find that "Flanders Then and Now" is an updated and slightly modified version of "The Ypres Salient" by John Giles the same author.

At least it is a new copy whereas The Ypreses Salient seems only to be available as second hand. Indeed my copy (half the price of Flanders Then & Now) is a time worn ex- library copy that I presume the library concerned (Waltham Forest) pensioned off some years ago.

The new version has more in the way of maps and more recent photographs all of which I find most interesting now it only remains to see what my grandson makes of it.

Thanks for all your help.

Kind regards

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