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Age limit for Territorials


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What was the age limit for Territorials in 1914 ?

I'm looking at the record of a chap who joined the London Scottish on 6/7/14 aged 17 yrs 10 mo (stated on his Attestation Paper) . From a later application for a commission in the Buffs his birthdate is given as 16/9/1896 which ties up nicely.

He arrived in France a day before his 18th birthday on 15/9/14.

Was he;

a) too you to join the Territorials at 17

b.) too you to fight at 17 (nearly 18)

I also find it incredible that he was deemed to be adequately trained in 2 months.


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I think the official Army age to serve overseas in a warzone during WW1 was 19yrs (reduced to 18.5 in 1918). (Can't remember how to do proper 1/2 on keyboard - had it the other day!)

As to the 2 months' training, there are reports of new soldiers with only 3 months' training being sent straight to Iraq due to overstretch, so it is hardly outlandish: and we must draw our own conclusions as to whether this is adequate. ;)


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Thanks Dick, I thought it was 19 but wondered if there were different rules for Territorials.

You hear about soldiers lying about their age but this guy has his age in black and white on the attestation paper.


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For the Territorial Force the enlistment or Reenlistment age ran from 17 to 35 years (not including boy soldiers). So he was within the age limits and correct per para 129 Territorial Force Regulations.

TF had different rules.

Joe Sweeney

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Your right of course, but he would not be allowed to serve over seas on active service until he reached the age of 19 officially. But, like today some slip through the net.


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1914 gets complicated.

In the case of the London Scottish soldier the 19 years does not apply.

In 1914 a Terrier could join the Imperial Service sections at any time in his enlistment and was eligable from 17 years to 35 years.

So if his unit was called up he was liable to serve overseas even at 17 years.

TF age was not raised to 19 until AO 186 /1915 which also, I believe but not 100% sure, had provisions for returning 17 and 18 year old Terriers home.

The 19 year age limit only initially applied to the Regulars via AO 296/1914. (This included the New Armies as they were technically regulars).

Joe Sweeney

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It is worth pointing out that the Army Council strongly disapproved of Territorials under 19 being sent overseas and issued an ACI to this effect on 23 December 1914.

Charles M

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