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C.W.G.C. Commemoration in the wrong place


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Here is a project which may interest an Oxfordshire based forum pal.

On 22.2.1921 three men of the Ox & Bucks L.I. were abducted and killed by the I.R.A. at Woodford, County Galway. Their bodies were returned to England for burial.

Pte. H. Morgan, 5374617, was buried at Colchester. His entry on the C.W.G.C. database states that his real name was Thomas Leonard Mullett, Morgan being an alias.

Pte. David John Williams, 5373002, was buried in his home village in Gloucestershire, but was until recently, commemorated on the Brookwood (United Kingdom 1914 - 1918) Memorial. After the necessary proof of his burial place was submitted to C.W.G.C. this was amended.


Pte. William Sydney Walker, 5374675, is commemorated on the Brookwood (United Kingdom 1914 - 1918) Memorial. He was aged 24 years, and came from Bicester in Oxfordshire. It is very likely he was buried there. He may, or may not, have a marked grave.

It would be good if a forum pal near there might make some enquiries as to his burial and submit the necessary proof, copy of the burial record, to C.W.G.C. in order that his proper resting place is recognised. The necessary forms for submitting amendments are available to download from the C.W.G.C. website. Thanks.

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Thanks for your interest, Kevin.

I got the fact that the bodies of the three were returned to England from this account by Stanley C. Jenkins, M.A.


Just fishing to see if anyone local to Bicester might be interested in researching the burial place of William Sydney Walker further and hopefully find him and get his place of commemoration amended accordingly.

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I would like to point out that I did try to find the grave of William Walker some years ago, but drew no response from the local council. Perhaps time to try again.



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Thanks Chris.

I have sent an enquiry to Oxfordshire Family History Society to see if anyone in that organisation might be interested in pursuing this. I am hon. sec. of a branch of the Gloucestershire Family History Society, so trying to use that as a lever. They would have access to the burial records I believe, and also the memorial inscriptions (if he has a private grave memorial).

Since the comrades of William Sydney Walker are properly commemorated its is only right that he should be too. Should not be that difficult, I would have thought, with access to the necessary records.

I do not intend to let the matter rest.


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I sent a new enquiry through to Bicester Town Council last night. I will give it a couple of days & lets see what happens



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I have got an answer back already. He is not buried at Bicester Cemetery.

Some more checking to be done I think.


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Thanks very much for the update; they were quick.

Hopefully Oxfordshire F. H. Society may come up with answer (post #5) soon. And as I said in post #5 I do not intend to let the matter rest until it is sorted.


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Must have been a change of staff since last I asked. I have also checked the British Newspaper Archive for any mention, but sorry nothing.


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Another complication - He is referred to as "R. Walker" in the Register of Soldiers' Effects.


Edit:- Noting his widow was 'Margaret' a possible marriage was as 'William S. Walker' to Margaret Jessett, Woodstock District, Oxfordshire, 1919 Q2; and she possibly re-married in 1925 as 'Margaret Walker' to a Philip A. P. Allen, Bicester District, 1925.

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I did check Woodstock some years ago again with no result


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