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189 & 312 Siege Batteries RGA


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On 20th October 1918 the two batteries above and 545 SB joined 73rd Army Brigade RGA. I presume they were attached to XIII Corps in the 10 or so days prior to this date for the crossing of the Selle but am trying to identify the RGA Brigade or higher formation to which they were attached in order to identify a suitable war diary if one exists. Any efforts greatly appreciated.


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Roop: According to "Allocations of Siege Battys. RGA" 189 Siege Battery was attached to 55th HAG until 7 Jan 18 and then became Army Troops; 312 Siege Battery was attached to Royal Naval Long Range Gun Group with XV Corps for manning 5" guns until 6 Dec 17. Then personnel only served with Second Army GHQ, Reserve from 7 Dec 17; with Fourth Army GHQ Reserve from 20 Dec 17 and with Fifth Army GHQ Reserve from 6 Jun 18. The battery was then armed with four 6" guns in Feb 18 and became Army Troops.

The "History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery: Western Front 1914-18" on page 307 indicates that 189, 312 and 545 Siege Batteries were part of the XIII Heavy Artillery (and not assigned to any HAG) on 11 Oct 18 when the Battle of teh Selle began. Page 385 of the same reference indicates that on 11 Nov 18, 189 and 312 Siege Batteries were "Unbrigaded Siege Btys RGA" in Fourth Army.

Regards. Dick

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Roop: Further to my earlier message:

"WO95 Supplementary Finding Aids: War of 1914 to 1918 War Diaries, Index, Royal Garrison Artillery, Siege Batteries" indicates that 189 Siege Battery's War Diary for the period Nov 1916 to May 1918 can be found at WO95/476 and that after that date the battery was "unbrigaded."

The same source indicates that in 312 Siege Battery "personnel became Army Troops on the Western Front," and indicates that information on the battery can be found in WO95/5494.

"Order of Battle of the British Armies in France (Including Lines of Communication Units)" by the General Staff, GHQ on 11 November 1918, also indicates that both 189 and 312 Siege Batteries, RGA served as unbrigaded Siege Batteries in 4th Army.

I can find no evidence that either battery ever joined 73 Brigade, RGA as you indicate in your earlier message.

Regards. Dick

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Thanks for the info Dick, I have attached a section from 73 Army Brigade RGA diary which shows these batteries joining. This is dated 20th October 1918. The second attachement shows the composition of the brigade on the 4th November 1918.


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Roop: Very interesting! I have to do some more investigation on how unbrigaded batteries were administered. It is obvious from your excerpts that the two batteries in question were undercontrol of 73 Brigade, RGA on 20 October 1918. I quess my question is: were they officially attached to RGA brigades or were they temporarily under control of the brigades without being officially attached? Will let you know what, if anything, I can find. Regards. Dick

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Hi again Dick, as I mentioned in my note to you recently, there is only this 10-12 day span which I cannot find a brigade formation for 545, the period covering LeCateau and the Selle. I know they were XIII Corps and have the barrage maps which show some batteries unbrigaded, but that requires more analysis. Prior to this 545 was part of 47 Brigade, despite being Army Troops, again have War Diary WO 95/473. Thanks again for your response.


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Further to previous post, the period where 545SB first went to France, which is covered by the only existing war diary (18/7/18 - 23/9/18) , shows them attached to 11th Brigade RGA, however 11th Brigade RGA diary WO95/539 makes no mention whatsoever of 545SB. There must be some allocation mechanism that is not evident from current records.


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