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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembered Today: John Robert Clark, Sgt., 9044 8th Bedfordshire Regim


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Sergeant John Robert Clark, Bedfordshire Regiment, of Morris Street, Peterborough, was killed in action on June 21st. Sgt. Clark, who was 32 years of age had served in the Bedfordshire Regiment for 10 years and was called up as a Reservist at Felixstowe and hundreds of Peterborough recruits had passed through his hands. He was the son of Mr and Mrs George Clark of 147 Wellington Street, Peterborough, his father being an old soldier. Another son was killed in 1915 and five other sons are still serving. His Commanding Officer, Captain Pierre Steyn DSO, writing to the widow says: "It is with very deepest regret I write to you of your husband's death in action on June 21st. It was late in the afternoon when, after a day's work in the front trenches during heavy shelling he was talking to other NCOs and was perfectly well and cheery, he met his death at work, a heavy shell falling right among his party and death was quite instantaneous. I can never speak too highly of his good work in the trenches and out, and he will be a great loss to the company, for no work was ever too hard for him to undertake. I know it is not possible for me to say anything capable of giving you comfort in your sad time, but I sincerely hope that the knowledge of husband's fine example in work will be a source of consolation. I beg to offer you my deepest sympathy in your great bereavement."

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