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Sgt George Hogarth


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Just found out my great grand father George Hogarth served as a Sgt in the 18th West Yorkshire Regiment D Company.

Does anyone know much about D Company? His regimental number appears to be 18/258 and he was discharged 392 (XVI) on the 22/08/17?

Any assistance appreciated.

Mike Tomkinson

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Hi Mike.

Just a quick one. Original enlistment into the 2nd Bradford "Pals." Service in Egypt, Western Front, March 1916.

Silver War Badge indicates Enlistment, 18th February 1915, Discharged due to wounds received, 22nd August 1917.

There may be some information in Raws publication or Hudsons but both are very similar as resource material.

I have the War Diary entries Mike that I will have a look at tomorrow if I may.

Best wishes.


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Thanks Chris

I assume discharged due to wounds owing to the date in 1917. I saw Egypt mentioned on Medal Card and also the award for early service in the war.

Anything you can get from your sources would be good so please take a look if you have time.

George is somewhat of a mystery to me unlike 2 of my other great grandfathers about who I know a fair bit in the War.


Mike Tomkinson

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Hi Mike.

It appears that George reverted to the rank of Private at some stage (From the Rank of Sergeant) under Section 183 (2) of the Army Act, in other words, he was demoted.

The reason for this may just be as simple as he may not have performed his duties as Sergeant to what they perceived was the required standard.

As regards his wounding, possibly at Gavrelle on the 3rd May 1917 but that is open to question. A newspaper article may confirm this if you can locate one.

"D" Company, after following closely the barrage, came under a deadly cross fire from two machine guns wiping out the first two waves. A bad day for the men of 93rd Infantry Brigade.

Best wishes.


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  • 3 years later...

Dear Mike Tomkinson,

I've only just recently joined this forum and came across your post about George Hogarth.

George was my late grandfather and we are related...

A number of years ago I traced my family tree and I have a lot of Hogarth family history going back many generations. Unfortunately  i've never been able to find my grandfathers death certificate or any information on the date and place of death.

Any help would be much appreciated 


Russell Hogarth 


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Welcome Russell

Do you have any personal details for George? The year and likely place of birth would be useful in trying to determine what you are after. The SIlver War Badge often gives age on discharge but unfortunately not in your GF's case. No surviving service papers it seems.

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Thanks Mark, that's very much appreciated and thanks for taking the trouble to reply..

I didn't know much about my grandfather because my own father passed away when I was a young boy.

However I did find out about the Battle of the Somme and my grandfather going in as a Sergeant with the Bradford Pals and coming out a private and sadly wounded.

What is interesting my grandfather was born in Edinburgh and did serve in the military in Scotland so I'm a bit confused how he ended up in Bradford and in the Pals?

It's sometime ago now when I researched my Hogarth history so will need to dig the paperwork and check his birth details.






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your grandfather was not born in Edinburgh.  He was born in Ashton under Lyne.


He served in the military in Scotland and that is probably where he met and married your grandmother in 1909.  Your grandmother was Winifred Jenkinson although I do not know much about her.


Do you have any family photos you can share as I have not of that side of the family other than my grandmother Margaret Ann Hogarth?





Mike Tomkinson

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I would take your e-mail out of your post. Never a good idea to post your e-mail address on a public forum. You will get spammed to hell

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Thanks Mike (and Mark)

I've just been going through a box of Hogarth family history and in the early 90s a genealogist researched the Hogarth family and found a marriage for George Hogarth and Winifred Jenkinson in Edinburgh and George was a gunner in royal artillery.

We different have the same George Hogarth because I've also got his military history and he lived at 94 Bolton Road Bradford with my  grandmother Winifred ( my sister is named after her) Winifred sadly passed away aged 41 in St Luke's Hospital from pneumonia

Does the name Nora Inglish ring any bells?

Mike is correct about email addresses on the forum but I think we need to make direct contact?

Very best





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Russell / Tomkinson

You can use the Personal message system. Let your pointer linger over the person's avatar and click on the message option. You can then converse with each other off the main forum topics

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