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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Hidden Histories: The secret origins of the First World War


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Don't whatever you do buy this book. I downloaded a sample on my Kindle, and it is so ridiculous, it makes Harry Potter look like non-fiction.

Accroding to it, WW1 was not caused by any German actions, but was a plan by secret British sympathisers - Rotschild's wouldn't you know, being among them, who wanted to have a great war which Britain would win and with France would then rule the world, or something.

Naturally, there is very little evidence for any of it, which proves that the people in the cabal were so powerful that they were able to destroy all Foreign Office papers, military papers, plans, etc. and have since been able to do so right across the world.

The author says that he was interviewed about this amazing discovery on US TV in 974 and felt compelled to tell the interviewer that it could put both of them in danger (and presumably, the producer, cameraman, bloke with the mike, and the tea lady to mention only a few).

How do these people get these books published? And who buys them?

I have no doubt that somewhere in it, Churchill actually sank the Lusitania in a British submarine. And yes, he does get a mention as being in the cabal or somewhere around it.

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"This is not a book to be put aside lightly.

It should be thrown with great force." - unknown reviewer


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Or as Abraham Lincoln used to say. 'Thank you for your submission. I shall waste no time in reading it'

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I must admit to having a penchant for reading these sort of things, they brighten my day. The only thing that stops me buying this one is the price - 99p would have been better - but I suppose if the authors can get away with it good luck to them.

Another review here:


I was amused by the part of the review which says 'As the authors acknowledge, their views are not recognised by most historians nor are they likely to be in the immediate future. Their arguments, however, are powerful. The sequel to this book, promised by Docherty and Macgregor, details the conduct of the war as controlled by the Secret Elite and should prove equally interesting."


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Some of the reviews of this book on Amazon are quite amusing as well, both those for and those against!

I was going to copy and reproduce them here, but I really can't be bothered!

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Make a nice companion on the bookshelf for the Protocols of Zion.


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