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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

T/2nd Lt Harvey Priestman Flint MC

Guest fbdownes

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2nd Lt H Flint 9th Batt attached to 8th Batt Leicester reg KIA 27-05-1918. MC for conspicuous gallentry and devotion to duty during enemy attack. Organised bombing party driving the enemy back. Capturing a machine gun and killing all the gun detachment. He also brought down a enemy low flying aeroplane with a lewis gun. Gazette 26th July 1918.

We know quite a bit about this man. His parents names, the school he went to, also that he had a stained glass window put in a leicester church in his memory of which the Leics reg is trying to recover as the church is being put to another use. But we don't know when he joined up. Easy I thought Medal Roll no problem. That will tell us when he joined and as what rank. Can't find him. I have tried every combination no luck. Only a Captain Harvey Flint.

If anyone can help we would be very much obliged.

As an afterthought the family have his Military Cross but have no idea where the rest of his medals and plaque finished up. Many thanks fbdownes

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