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Battle of Thiepval Ridge, capture of Schwaben Redoubt book recommendat


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Hope someone can help me, my main focus is the 8th East Surreys on September 30th but would also like some book recommendations giving me a really good overview of the actions leading up to and capture of Schwaben Redoubt the following month and of the fighting prior to that at Thiepval.

Thank you


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The only book I can think of is Thiepval by Michael Stedman part of the Battleground Europe series, though its main focus seems to be July 1st, there is a section ahoy the later stages of the battle


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There's also Jack Sheldon's 'The Germans at Thiepval' also in the Battleground Europe series.

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And a DVD, 'The Somme, Defeat into Victory', which compares the July assault on, and the September capture of, the Schwaben Redoubt.

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Excellent, thanks everyone, will look into all of those. And will definitely try and get hold of that DVD. Have just finished a stack of war diaries and I'm keen to crack on exploring a few areas a bit deeper while it's fresh in my mind.

Thanks again


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I have written a 3000 word piece for 'Stand To!' (still unsubmitted) on the Cambs assault on the Schwaben which you are welcome to read at a Cambs WFA meeting. We next meet in Godmanchester on Weds Sept 2nd at the Comrades Club. 7.30

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Excellent, thanks Dave. Was hoping to come along anyway as I have recently joined the WFA, will be very interested to read it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got these recommended titles ordered plus 5 others(couldn't resist a couple of Richard Van Emden's, plus a few others, whoops! second hand is not bad though is it?!) looking forward to a summer of reading, thanks all!

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Hi Richard,

I bought The Quick and the Dead and Boy Soldiers.

I have read many of your books, the last being Gallipoli, which I found incredibly moving.

I have to admit to putting off reading the The Quick and the Dead and Boy Soldiers until now for no reason other than I am a most terrible coward of the custard variety, and I know I am going to get my heart broken just a little, my Granddad was a boy soldier, so I am bracing myself.

And don't even get me started on Tommy's Ark, shares in Kleenex might have been an idea!


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Hi Alison

The story of the boy soldiers remains an on-going interest of mine and that will be updated a final time in three or four years. As for Q and the D.... Well keep those hankies handy!

All best


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Oh, btw, just borrowed the best album of private pics taken of the Somme I have ever seen. The album includes images just prior to the taking of Thiepval, including the bombardment of the village and then shots taken directly after it fell. Will appear in a book on the Somme next year in the same style as Gallipoli and Tommy's War.


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Ooh that's tantalising! very much looking forward to seeing that.

I'm glad your doing more work on boy soldiers, I find it fascinating, I grew up knowing Granddad had run off to war aged 15. Reading his service record, knowing the fighting he was involved in and finding a report of him aged 16 going on patrol, being captured, fighting his way out and spending a night lost in no man's land and a day hiding in a shell hole before miraculously stumbling back to his section has been astonishing. Well, words fail me really.

Thank you for the heads up on The Quick and the Dead, please be prepared for tissue bill heading your way!


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