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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

8th Bn, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry


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I have been researching the men who fell in the great war in my area. Stannington, Sheffield, in the Parish of Bradfield.

Barton, Joseph William of the 8th Bn, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry was killed

on the 1st October 1916. Could anybody tell me where the KOYLI would be on this day.

Any help would be great.

I have found information for most of the men in the area now and if anybody is interested my 'Roll of Honour' is on my new website

Stannington Roll Of Honour 1914-20

Thanks in advance.

Robert :D

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Hi Robert,

from the Regimental history : Page 830:

"The 1st October found the battalion in trenches near Martinpuich, alsmost two miles beyond Bazentin-le-Petit Wood, so deeply had the continued offensives eaten into the German line. It was under orders to attack, the objectives being two lines of trenches known as O.G.1 and O.G.2.

The 70th Inf Bde of the 23rd Div. was concerned in this attack with the 151st Inf Bde of the 50th Division, both divisions being in the IIIrd Corps.

Assembly trenches behind Destremont Farm were occupied just before dawn. The attack was timed for 3.15 p.m., and the trenches which were the objects of attack were in front of the village of Le Sars, having a frontage of about 300 yards; the advance had to be made over 600 yards of open ground. At dawn the position of the assembly trenches stood revealed to the enemy, who shelled them continuously. Under this shelling about 25 percent of the strenght of the battalion was already lost before the attack was delivered. At 3.15 p.m. our artillery put up an intense barrage, the signal for the departure of "A" and "D" Companies, who attacked with "C" in support; "B" Company reamained in reserve. The objectives were both carried despite the counter-barrage by the German gunners, and the work of consolidation of the two lines fortwith commenced. The new trenches were held against all counter-attacks, and the work went on into the night.At 2 a.m. "B" Company was brought into the line to reinforce; at 4 a.m. two companies came in from Brigade Reserve and took over O.G.2, the more advanced trench, the survivors of the 8/K.O.Y.L.I. being withdrawn to O.G.1. On the followng day they were relieved by the 10/D.W.R. of the 69th Inf Div. The battalion was withdrawn to bivouacs in the Dingle.

The casualties amounted to : Officers, 1 killed, 2 missing and 8 wounded; other ranks, 248 killed, wounded and missing."


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