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Silver War Medal


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I have found a Silver War Medal among my father's effects. Its number is 239435. His name was John Hendry and there are 77 medal cards in the archives which might apply, but I do not have his regiment or number. There is one possible card that I have downloaded that indivates the award of a Silver War Medal and, under Action Taken. states List TL 736. Is there any way of accessing the SWB lists online or other means of finding further information from the information I have given above?

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I believe the only way to access the SWB & other medal rolls is by sight at PRO. If you cant get there, may be worth paying a researcher to do so???? Chris Baker & other Pals do research if it helps? The Rolls will give you his Battalion, and from there you can identify what actions he would have been involved in until he was wounded out of service.

May also be worth putting what you have about the MIC on here, as someone may be able to help narrow the options down a little? Theatre or date of entry, if theyre on there may help out too.

As well as that, local papers from the time, Absent Voters lists, official & 'personal' books on the Battalion, and of course the Battalions War Diary will all add meat to the bones (so to speak)

Good luck

Steve :D

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Thanks Steve. That confirms what I thought. I shall be in London next week with time to spare and may well try to consult the lists at source. My father was gassed at Ypres and may well have been in the Worcestershire regiment. There is one card listed for a John Hendry in the 7th batallion of that regiment, which I have downloaded, and it shows that a British war medal was awarded - but the date of enlistment is given as 1916 by which time he would have been twenty years old and too late for the first and second battles at Ypres (although I believe there was a third battle in 1917). My grandaughter had a project on the Great War and we were sorting out for her photos of him in uniform when he enrolled and later in hospital when we found the Silver Badge - which started me thinking that we should try to get the facts straight to pass on to the next generation. I never thought of myself as a piece of living history - my father resolutely refused to discuss his war experience throughout his lifetime and so it is difficult to piece the story together from what fragments I have.

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Not many of them did discuss things like that did they? Not that i can blame them ...

Just to check; do you mean his enlistment date ot the date he entered the theatre he fought in? Could make a difference???

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Oh and yes, there was a 3rd Ypres in 1917 see here http://www.1914-1918.net/wf.htm although the write up is in progress.

And if its for your Grandaughters project, she may get an extra point or a few giggles for mentioning that the Tommies called it 'Wipers'?!

Good luck mate

Steve :D

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Hello jhendry

It may be worth posting one of the photos of your father, there are some eagle eyed experts on this forum who may well be able to identify the regiment from it.

Best regs


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Just to check; do you mean his enlistment date ot the date he entered the theatre he fought in? Could make a difference???


I would have thought that it would be his enlistment date rather than date of entry as it is 1916. Apart from Officers the date of entry was rarely included after 1915.


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Good idea. Let's see who has the sharpest eyes. I think the cap badge is visible on this photo - if not I could blow it up. Let's hope the technology does not let me down!


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Thanks again Steve. I am convinced, especially as my father's address at that time was in West Bromwich. I have been in touch with the Worcestershire regiment's site and feel relieved that I have not been giving them fase clues to work on. Like yourselves, they have been very helpful and tolerant of my lack of expertise on army matters.

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Just 'shows to go you' (as the film had it) West Bromwich was then in Staffordshire, but Dudley down the road was in Worcestershire...... and here he is a Worcester.

Just adds to the fundamental point that place of residence is absolutely no guarantor of regiment of service!

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