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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Siege Battery Ranks


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Hi Chums,

Could it be clarified what constituted a RGA Siege Battery in terms of Gunners, Bombardiers, Sergeants, BSM's etc.

I have some references to 45 man batteries but they were heavy not siege.

Thanks all.


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What type of battery? There were by 1918 13 different types of Seige batteries each having a different make-up.

A fairly numerous type of Battery was " 4 6" inch BL How, Horse drawn".

Not including attached or the ammunition column, the strength in 1918 was 185 Officers and ORs.

1 Major

1 Captain

4 Subalterns

1 Battery serjeant major

1 Battery quartermaster serjeant

7 Serjeants

1 Fitter staff serjeant

1 Farrier serjeant

3 Shoeing smiths (inc 1 Corporal)

2 Saddlers

1 Wheeler

2 Smiths

2 Trumpeters

6 Corporals

8 Bombardiers

90 Gunners

39 drivers for vehicles

4 drivers for spare horses

4 drivers spare

7 Batmen

Above establishmernt includes 9 Lance Bombardiers

War Establishment 1801/24

Joe Sweeney

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Thanks for that Joe, the battery in question was 4 x 6inch Vickers Mk XIX outfit (545 SB). Have not determined if these were horse drawn or moto drawn as they were quite big guns.


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