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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Captain Edward Dickinson.

Bob Coulson

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Capt Dickinson was with the 11th home based battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment.

He must then have been attached to another unit as he was KIA on Gallipoli on June 28th 1915 before the Yorkshires landed in August.

Would really like to find out who he was attached to and which action he died in.

Any help would as always be much appreciated.


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Hi Bob,

This Obituary Notice appeared in the Green Howards Gazette September 1915:-

"Capt Edward DICKINSON, 11th Battalion, Killed in Action June 28th in the Gallipoli Peninsular, in his 30th year.

He was the youngest son of the late Councillor D. DICKINSON of Burnley, and Mrs DICKINSON of Lytham.

He received an early education at Burnley and entered the teaching profession as a pupil teacher, proceeding to University College of Wales, Aberystwith, where he took a B.Sc. degree: when the war broke out he was Science Master at Darlington Technical College.

He enlisted as a Private in the Durham Light Infantry in September and, obtaining his Commission 8th October, was posted to the 11th Yorkshire Regiment at Darlington. He was promoted Lt. 26th November and Capt. 3rd December. In May he was attached to the 1st Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers and embraked with them on May 25th for the Dardenelles.

He was a member of the Welsh International Football Team and a keen all-round athlete. "

Hope this clarifies the matter for you.


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