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Airmen died & Sailors died in the Great War DVD-ROMs


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In this months Booklist, Naval and Military Press are offering Airmen Died the Great War 1914-1918 DVD-ROM at an Early Bird price of £45 (normal price £65) and Sailors Died in the Great War (other ranks) at an Early Bird price of £35 (normal price £45).

I would be interested in what people think about these and the prices.

Also is anyone using N&MP's Trench Map DVD? Could they comment on its value for money.


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In this months Booklist, Naval and Military Press are offering Airmen Died the Great War 1914-1918 DVD-ROM at an Early Bird price of £45 (normal price £65) and Sailors Died in the Great War (other ranks) at an Early Bird price of £35 (normal price).

I would be interested in what people think about these and the prices.

Also is anyone using N&MP's Trench Map DVD? Could they comment on its value for money.


Well those CD's have dropped alot in price S.D.G.War was over a hunded quid.

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In the booklist sent to me, in regard to the Sailors DGW, it states

"together with the name and address of the relative notified of the death."

The price, BTW, does not include VAT



PS quite interested but will the discs end up as scrap again ??

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I to am tempted with the Airman Died Disc, but need help to decide, are they easy to use? - I am a complete Techno Duffer, so do they represent good value for money, with ease of use?



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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought the Sailors Died disc a couple of days ago, and it arrived very promptly - a much improved service on previous piurchases, which sometimes took quite a while to arrive. Here's my thoughts after a very brief look at it (I've not had time to get stuck into it properly, too much to do this time of year!)

In terms of the data it contains...it's reasonably good. It has the name and address of the family member notified of death, and also date and place of birth - bits of information which might not be recorded elsewhere.

In answer to a question above, it's fairly easy to use. When you start it has a "simple" search layout which allows you to search for surname, first name and service number. You can then click on "more options" to allow you to search by Branch of Service, Rating, Decoration, Cause of Death and also search specific dates. Some of these options seem to be very specific in how you search - I tried "VC" and "Victoria Cross" in the decorations field and got nothing; turns out you need to search "V.C." - easy if you know how, very frustrating if you don't!

I did a couple of cursory searches, looked up a couple of the navy men in my own research. For at least one I got family information I previously hadn't had, and another I got his date of birth.

The data also has a cause of death but this is quite cursory: "Died of Disease", "Killed or Died as a result of Enemy Action" etc.

I found at least one typo (Barchead recorded as a place of birth instead of Barrhead) but I can't be sure if that was as originally entered in the source data, or if it's a mistake in the transcribing for this disc. I also found one date of birth which didn't match what I had, but again that may be as it was originally recorded and there could be any number of reasons for a different date of birth (i.e. lying about age).

The ranks are all abbreviated: P.O Tel; Ord Smn, etc. This was a little annoying. I would have thought for the cost of the disc this would have been something which could have been corrected before publishing.

The date range goes from 28/09/12 until 15/04/1921. However, doing a search for any names between the earliest date to 5th August 1914 only brings up 14 results, all in 1914. A similar search from 11/11/18 to the 1921 date brings up over 3000 results, so at the very least it should be useful for post-WW1 deaths.

I found a couple of Indian sailors, and one man from Malta, so not just British deaths recorded in there. I'm not sure how many of these "other" nationalities are recorded.

In short, is it worth buying? I'd say so, although I do have the nagging worry that in a year or two this will appear on Ancestry or Find My Past, much the same as Soldiers Died in the Great War eventually did.

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Thank you DMcNay, can you search by place of birth? please?

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Unfortunately not. It is one of the fields of information, but it's not a field you can search by.

Here's a screenshot of the "advanced" search page:


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Thank you sir, so if I put in the Relatives notified box the word 'Skegness' would it give any hits please?

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Thank you kindly. You see I had this theory that this database was created by N@MP some years ago and was only available to use on FMP, using the optional keywords on FMP with Skegness gives me 28 names, Your CD gives three. It looks like it used Skegness as a birth location, NOK location or any other place where Skegness can appear in the readout.Curioser and curioser

Ayre Edwin 1889 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Baker Harry 1886 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Bennett Robert William 1899 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Blow Charles Henry 1891 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Brown William Everett 1880 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Burdett Alfred Norman Rankin 1899 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lancashire, England

Collingwood Reginald 1899 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Fletcher William 1890 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Gillam Ernest Alfred Sydney 1893 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Gollands Edward Gordon 1900 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Grunnill Albert 1899 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Hardy Percy 1889 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Hare Stephen Percy 1897 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Kerman Herbert 1890 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Simpson Charles Edward 1889 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Smith Philip Stroud Nisbet 1901 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Smyth Harry Waldren 1902 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Wonnacott Francis Hugh 1898 — 1899-1919 Service Records Skegness, Lincolnshire, England

Hare Stephen Percy 1897 1917 1917 First World War Great Britain



name First name Born Died Event Category Location View Handsley Jesse 1876 1916 1916 First World War Great Britain

Canning John Malcolm 1897 — 1914-20 First World War Great Britain

Fox Harold 1880 1917 1917 First World War Great Britain

Jarvis Charles 1876 1915 1915 First World War Great Britain

Jolly Chas Wm Hy 1894 — 1914-20 First World War Great Britain

Jones Leonard — 1915 1915 First World War Great Britain

Savage Thomas 1900 — 1914-20 First World War Great Britain

Simpson Charles Edward 1889 1916 1916 First World War Great Britain

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I have taken the plunge and ordered the Airman disc.

hope its not too long in the post.

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My Sailors Died DVD arrived today and I am impressed.

The Airmen Died DVD has not yet arrived. Has anyone's?


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No my disc has not yet arrived.

The N and M web site states, This disc (Airmen Died) will be shipped once its in stock.

So now we wait.



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I believe it was not available until January, so should be shipping soon.

I would be interested to know what information it contains.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Still waiting for the Airman Died Disc, it was ordered before Christmas.

will give it to the weekend before i call N and M to see whats going on.

Is any one else still waiting?

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  • 3 weeks later...

It arrived just as I was going out this morning. I have installed it and it looks very good. There seems to be a small bonus.

There are pre-war (RFC?) deaths. Lieutenant Arthur (the Montrose Aerodrome ghost) is included.

Roger M.

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Just got my Airman version on Tuesday and am waiting for the I T Specialist_ The Wife_ to

set it up for me!


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Geoff - I had the same problem!

my other half set it up last night, so bring on the weekend!

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