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DCM winner


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Does anybody have any info on a John or Jack Gilson, who was awarded the DCM, i think, sometime i believe in WW1. He came from the Staffs are, so could have been in a local Regiment

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Maybe this is your man as its the only Gilson i can find.

67614 Sjt J.W. Gilson Machine Gun Corps

London Gazette 3-9-18


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OK thanks Andy i will pass that on, is there anyway you can find out how he won his medal, being i kind of high up medal did they publish what he did to be awarded the medal ????

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Information comes from Recipients of the Distinguished Conduct Medal 1914-1920 by Walker. Tried the London Gazette page but once again it does not seem to want to play. Only suggestion at the moment is to ask one of the MGC specialists on here.


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Nigel there are a few on this site that tend to research the MGC, there was a booklet brought out by the London Stamp Exchange some years ago of the citations for the DCM for each Regiment. Maybe one of these MGC buffs have one.


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london gazette 3rd sept. 1918 page 10299

67614 sgt. j.w. gilson m.g.c. (nottingham)

for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. when a gap occurred in the line, this n.c.o. kept his gun in action under very heavy artillery and machine-gun fire until reinforcements arrived. the next day, when the enemy attacked in force, he covered the retirement of the infantry until the position was almost surrounded, and then got his gun away to another position. throughout the two days he kept his men well in hand by his coolness and courage.

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Many thanks Nigel for taking the time to help me with this research, and thankyou Enoch for finding that little gem of information.

My intrest was awaken talking to my mother who is visiting me, like Nigel I now live in Ireland and untill yesterday I did not even know the name John Gilson so am amazed to discover this.

Will now try and take up researching another Grandfather(in name though not genetically..long story!!) a Frank Chambers Sgt, who served the full war years with the Sherwood Foresters, My Dad Now gone, who was a paratrooper in the second war and who's ancestary goes back to the British Raj in India, though when he was alive he would never speak of it as I now know he had a rather hard life as a youngster with his parents dieing as a child and his dark skin colour would have been quite an issue in those days I presume.

I have a book at home (Nottingham) which I believe was issued to each member of the Foresters on demob which is a military history of the 14-18 campaign including many maps, and an index stateing all those who won campaign medals, would this be a rareity?

Regards and many thanks


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Melcome to the forum Robbo, nice conclusion the this enquiry.


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