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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

7th Bn Essex Regiment


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I have been researching the men who fell in the great war in my area. Stannington, Sheffield, in the Parish of Bradfield.

William Ewart Gillott of the 7th Bn, Essex Regiment was killed

on the 2nd November 1917. Could anybody tell me where the Regiment was on this day and what they were doing in the area.

Any help would be great.

I have found information for most of the men in the area now and if anybody is interested my 'Roll of Honour' is on my new website

Stannington Roll Of Honour 1914-20

Thanks in advance.


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Hi Robert,

"The third battle of Gaza was fought at the close of October and in the early days of November, 1917, and was part of a widespread operation which penetrated and then broke up the enemy defensive system from Gaza to Beersheba and formed the prelude to the victorious advance in Palestine and Syria in the final months of the war".

"The 1/7th Essex - which had, on November 1st, an effective strenght of 35 officers and 953 other ranks - had to participate in the third phase of the operation. They had to follow up the 1/5th and 1/6th Essex, and when these battalions had done their work, to carry on and take Cricket Redoubt, John-Yunis Trench Junction and Rafah Trench;"

Source: John Wm. Burrows, F.S.A.: The Essex Regiment; Essex Territorial Infantry Brigade (4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Battalions). Also 8th (Cyclists) Battalion The Essex Regiment, pages 210 & 226.

There is more info in the book. P.M. me if you're interested.

Hope this helps,


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