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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Amazing story


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A story that a few of you might have heard already, but here goes:

A couple of weeks ago the local tv news and newspaper (Gloucestershire) ran a story about a 1914 star that had been found in a garden in a village. The finders wanted to try and locate the family. The problem was it was a 'Gunner E. Jones'.

A few days later I had a phone call from my mum, her older brother had seen the report and realised that they had lived in this village when they were children. The Jones family. Checks were made and yes, they had lived in that same house where the medal was found, and my grandfather was Ernest Jones who had served in the Royal Artillery during WWI. His medals had vanished many years ago.

My uncle and aunt went to the house and collected the medal, with tv cameras present. Being Ernest Jones, it was not possible in the past to do any research, but now we have his number. We have already established that he was issued the clasp and served with 116 Heavy Battery, RGA in France. All these years and I had no idea my grandfather was an Old Contemptible!

I was 12 when he died, but he lived with us for the last 2 years and I have very strong memories of him. If only I had known to ask back then. But I am even more proud of him if that is possible.

Now, if anyone sees a War/Victory pair to Gnr E. Jones, RA let me know!


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What a great find!!

Bet you can't believe your luck!

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Sometimes things really do come full circle!

A great find and wonderfull story-Thanks for sharing.


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Now, if anyone sees a War/Victory pair to Gnr E. Jones, RA let me know!

Have you thought of Going back to the Garden with a Metal Detector??? ;)

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Great story, it just goes to show, maybe you should take note of Harrys suggestion.


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You must be well chuffed. A great story, mate.


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