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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

CDGW Lookup Please


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Dave, this soldier appears not to be listed in "Soldiers Died......" It isn't unusual for this to be so in the case of soldiers who died in the immediate post-war years.


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Thanks for looking.

The family cant understand why he is listed as D.Ryan on the MIC and CWGC because they knew him as Michael.

Is it possible he is M.Ryan on the SDGW, maybe a long shot.

Thanks a lot

Dave Roberts

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There are 41 soldiers called M. Ryan, Dave, but he is not one of them I'm afraid. I then searched for all soldiers who are recorded as having died on 25th March 1920, and there is none in the database. I then searched all 401 Ryans and looked for close matches with either numbers or dates of death, in case there was a transcription error. There is a Michael Ryan who died on 25.3.1918 but his number is different.

Sorry not to have been more successful.


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