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A Group Photograph by Andrew Tatham


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Please correct me if I am wrong, but I have searched Book Reviews and the rest of the forum and can't seem to find a previous mention to this book which rather surprises me.

I've just taken receipt of this book which is a late Christmas present from my daughter and her partner. It was late because they have patiently waited for a copy to arrive and it has been slow in arriving because apparently, the publishers were inundated with requests for it after the author was interviewed on the Jeremy Vine show, This is how my daughters partner became aware of the book and thinking it was the sort of thing I would appreciate, they tried to get hold of a copy only to discover there was going to be a delay as explained.

You can read various reviews on the Amazon site: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Group-Photograph-Before-Now--Between/dp/9090292780/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1452531665&sr=1-1&keywords=a+group+photograph

where unsurprisingly you will see it is still currently unavailable.

The book is the result of 21yrs of research! This was started after the author came across a group photograph of his Great Grandfather who was commanding officer of the 8th. Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment. Not satisfied with researching his own Gt. Grandfather, Andrew has gone on to research every member of that group photograph, not only their own family, pre-war, but the family line which came after, where it did.

The book is superbly laid out and presented, to say more would spoil it; suffice to say, this is a book well worth looking out for.


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I also received a copy of this magnificently-produced book for Christmas and am very much looking forward to studying it in detail.

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An excellent book. Apart from the factual content it features some interesting and unusual graphical interpretations.

I had the opportunity to tour the recent major exhibition dedicated to the research and exhibits associated with this book at the 'In Flanders Fields' museum in Ypres. A comprehensive and informative exhibition that in my opinion did justice to the work involved. I imagine that the descendants of the Officers concerned will have been most impressed with the Author's findings.

Worth keeping an eye out for any of the Author's talks via www.groupphoto.co.uk

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you very much to all of you for your kind words about my book. Yes, the response to my appearance on the Jeremy Vine Show rather caught me on the hop - you can get an idea of the story from my blog at http://agroupphotograph.blogspot.co.uk/, in particular http://agroupphotograph.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/overwhelming-response.html. My 2nd reprint has now arrived so the book is again available and if anyone hasn't seen it there is an extract plus further reviews (and a link to be able to listen to the Jeremy Vine interview) at http://www.groupphoto.co.uk/the-book. Once again, great to hear your enthusiasm and I hope it won't be long before I can report finding a UK venue for my exhibition.

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