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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

IGN Bataille De La Somme - 1916 Map


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Heading on a family odyssey to France next week to trace the footsteps of my grandfather (Major JCM Mostyn MC MiD) during his period in France during 1916 and to help me sort out the best places to visit ( mainly Bazentin le Grand and Petit - he was a gunner) I popped into the superb map shop in Upton on Severn where they just had in a copy of the IGN Bataille De La Somme .


Anyway, I bought a copy to compliment the trench maps and a tourist guide.

What is good?

It is probably the clearest mapping of all the charts that I have seen with a decent scale map of the general area and a large scale detailed map of the Somme battlefield itself. Points of interest are clearly marked on the map and I will be using it for my driving in the area.

What is bad?

It is French. This might sound like stating the bleeding obvious given the fact that the IGN are the French equivalent of the OS but it hides a deeper problem. Most people here would use the British WW1 names for locations on the Somme but you will look in vain for "Happy Valley", "Death Valley", "Caterpillar Valley" ( although the cemetery is marked), "High Wood" and all the rest of the British local names for Somme features.

Anyway, I would recommend it for the casual tourist rather than someone who has detailed knowledge.

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I've used a book called "before endeavours fade" when touring the battlefields. It's a good driving guide and has many features we mere mortals may ordinarily miss


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thanks for the tip... ordered a copy from a French friend ... it'll be easier to get it from France, right??

and as far as the language is concerned... luckily someone invented the post-it!!

et du reste, on fera avec le français, n'est-ce pas??


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