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Arm to Save Your Native Land


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"Arm to save your native land"

Army Recruiting in North-West Wales 1914-16

by Clive Hughese

Published by Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, Llanwrst, 2015. Paperback, 290 pages. Price £8.

The author, also known on the Great War Forum as LST_164, lives and works in North Wales. This book, published in both Welsh and English, stems from his MA thesis.

Whilst the content - covering recruitment in just one area over a limited period of time - might not at first thought grab the attention of those from outside the Principality, such is the depth of research and the readability of the text that those with no connection to the area covered will both enjoy and learn from reading it.

Clive Hughes covers the methods used to persuade men to join up in an informed and informative way. he covers in detail the initial reluctance of many from a Chapel and pacifist background, as well as the attempt of David Lloyd George to form a Welsh Army. Pay, housing and training are all included, as well as the regular conflict between regulars, Territorials and New Army all trying to recruit from the same area. In so diverse an area, where road and rail communications are sparse, it is interesting to see how important public meetings were in encouraging recruitment. The book is illustrated with examples of posters, some in colour and some in Welsh, as well as original letters.

Criticisms? Just one. For those without a background in North Wales, a basic map showing the relevant county boundaries and places named in the text would have been useful. However, this is just a minor point and does not in any way reduce the enjoyment in reading so well-researched and informative a book, complete as it is with a comprehensive list of sources and an index.

As one from part of England that the Welsh do not claim as part of old Wales, I recommend this book heartily.....a good read.

Bruce Hubbard

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Thank you for drawing this to our attention, Bruce. As someone whose chapel loving, peaceful grandfather was one of those to whom the recruiters sought to appeal in North Wales, I will look for it.

Edit. I've ordered it.


Edited by Dragon
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Thank you Bruce! The sub-title is actually "Army Recruiting in North-West Wales" etc. ...and I do take your point about the map!


Thanks for the correction to title Bruce

Edited by LST_164
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Well done Clive -and thanks Bruce for the heads-up. I shall be buying mine in the morning!

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Have read the Welsh language version and it's an excellent book - as to be expected from a meticulous researcher.



Well done Clive.

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For those who can manage the Language of Heaven, it was published 2014 (same publisher) entitled "I'r Fyddin Fechgyn Gwalia!" The English edition last autumn allowed me time to correct a couple of minor glitches, but it's 98 per cent the same story. Some illustrations were substituted by relevant English-language ones for the latter edition.

While I'm here I'd just like to thank the Forum's membership for their knowledge and insights, which made possible the task of revising and updating a 1983 academic MA thesis into a slightly more readable 2015 book. I hadn't space to list the various GWF persons to whom I was indebted, but the generous sharing of information on this site reinforces the maxim I absorbed in university in the 1970s; that knowledge is to be disseminated rather than hoarded. Thanks, all of you.


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  • 1 month later...

Local shop ordered both language versions and I, naturally, went for the original I'r Fyddin Fechgyn Gwalia."

I've read it and thought it to be an absolutely thorough, detailed and excellently researched book. The Welsh language detail regarding literature and meetings of recruitment has enthralled me since the 1970s with my own family recruitment experiences.

Very well done Clive.

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  • 1 year later...

On a toddle through the RWF museum at Caernarfon Castle a week or so ago I was delighted to see this book on offer for £8. That is the original cover price! A bargain I was helpless to resist and a quick browse shows that it's a very well written and informative read, as you would expect of Clive. Sadly, not being a language of Heaven speaker, I had to settle for the English version! 



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I've reviewed it for the next Stand To! I'm not pre-empting anything but I'd hope for a rake-off from the resulting sales.

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Thanks folks, I'm grateful.  I genuinely thought it had been sent for WFA review back in 2015, but clearly it wasn't.  


Don't get your hopes up too much Steven, my royalties last year were enough to pay for a couple of haircuts!  

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How long is your hair? :huh:



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A lot shorter than it used to be, Bernard - to the point of invisibility over a fair percentage of the surface area...please note, a haircut (just a trim, layered at the back, off the ears please) in North Wales costs about half the same operation in the Home Counties!  

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FWIW, I pay £9 in Fair Oak, and always (I'm a good chap) leave the £1 as a tip to the nice young lady. I go about 6 times a year. Magic.

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