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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


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Having saved virtually every book I've ever owned since childhood the time came recently to considerably thin out the collection before my house sinks under the weight.

My first priority was to gather my small collection of WW1 publications and finally put them all in one place. I thought this had been achieved until through bleary eyes this morning a red hardback book caught my eye.

'The Complete Guide To Military Map Reading' published by Gale and Polden. I have no recollection of the book so can't say when I was given it. It is an educational guide with various exercises to complete. I've had no time to study it yet but am hoping somebody could answer the following

The book is a small red hardback and unfortunately has no publication date. It is the 10th edition and was priced at 4s10d. I'm hoping somebody could tell me when the 10th edition was issued. If for example it was a mid '20s issue would the symbols to indicate various military features (MG positions, dugouts etc.) remain accurate to WW1 maps or would each edition have a revised key.

Many thanks


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AbeBooks have a number of copies for sale. The 10th edition is noted more often than others (which generally don't give an edition). Two sellers note the 10th edition as being 1938/39. FWIW, another gives teh second edition as 1915 which, presumably means the first edition is the one offered on sale noting publication year of 1911. Makes sense that a more readily available edition would be later so I'd be inlcined to go with the 1938/39 unless its disproved.


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Third edition is 1916.

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John and Chris

Thanks for your interest. I had a quick look on Amazon and noticed several copies claiming to be WW1 editions (1911,1915 etc.). Think the 1911 date comes from "copyright under the Act of 1911" printed at the bottom of the page facing the preface. Surely that's the year the "Act" was passed rather than anything to do with the publication date. Quite happy to accept the "38-39" suggestion but would still love to know more regarding whether the key used for the maps in my copy are relevant to WW1 maps.

While I'm busy getting rid of books, anybody want a battered copy of 'The Sweeney' album with pages missing?..........................Thought not


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