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Jutland 1916: The Archaeology of a Naval Battlefield


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I saw this in the local Waterstones today. (Priced £30!) Has anyone had a chance to get a good look at it?

(There are five favourable reviews on amazon.)

Roger M

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I looked at a programme around the battle of Jutland by Jellicoe`s grandson and it appears that their may be a publication to follow, this maybe it.

I certainly haven't seen it as yet but would be interested to known if it is related to that piece of work.

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I thought that it was related to that program. From the short time I had to look at it the book seemed better balanced and less prone to claiming startling discoveries, but perhaps that was because I was looking at a section which was not in the TV program - HMS Invincible.

Roger M

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I looked at a programme around the battle of Jutland by Jellicoe`s grandson and it appears that their may be a publication to follow, this maybe it.

I certainly haven't seen it as yet but would be interested to known if it is related to that piece of work.

It is related because the author is the chap Jellicoe's grandson went with to map the wrecks on the ocean floor. The sonar pictures that appeared in the programme are, I believe, the ones in this book.

However the book promised to follow the programme is, I think, the one Nick Jellicoe himself has written and which has just been published, 'Jutland, the unfinished battle'. This has also been favourably reviewed (and is £10 cheaper!)


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  • 9 months later...

Husband was given 'Jutland, the unfinished battle' for his birthday and is very much enjoying it. I too would be interested to know more about the archaeological title!

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10 hours ago, seaJane said:

Husband was given 'Jutland, the unfinished battle' for his birthday and is very much enjoying it. I too would be interested to know more about the archaeological title!


I looked at it it in Blackwells and it looked good - and if I was a naval buff (or on a UK-type salary!) I certainly would have bought it!



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I must go and check the publisher. If OUP I can probably wangle a discount having worked for them for a while...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bloomsbury/Conway I'm afraid sJ.


Personally I think the one your husband is reading is the pick of those published last year. I bought Konstam's 'Jutland 1916: Twelve hours to win the war' which was a decent enough retelling of events but didn't really add much to Hart and Steel's book of some years ago. Jellicoe's book has an angle that, for me at least, gives it an extra level of interest.



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Thanks for that David!

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