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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The Hidden Victory of ANZACs


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Some of us may remember the author of this book starting a couple of threads about his publication which were locked by Moderators; perhaps one reason was that Sanai Burak Turna never seemed to answer any of the questions that were put to him.


Here's a thoughtful review of the book.


It has had some less-unfavourable comments on






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Do we suspect that Mr Turna's mum, dad, brother, cat, sister, dog and girlfriend are all expert book reviewers?

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After the relatively recent content provided by Mr Turna I sincerely hoped I'd never hear of him again. I think I could name far more sane people who have been sectioned/detained.  He has however found his way back onto this forum thereby gaining further publicity for his rantings. Needless to say I won't be reading his revelationary findings unless I end up sectioned myself and am forced to read it in order to confirm my own sanity. The man's a loon.



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Mr Turna is simply a poor misunderstood author of novels.  This HAS to be a joke. If it is not intended as such, maybe it is the rest of us who should be locked up.


Hazel C.

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7 hours ago, mancpal said:

... He has however found his way back onto this forum thereby gaining further publicity for his rantings...




Sorry for re-introducing him! I think there were others, as well as myself, who were fascinated by his claims and wondered "where he was coming from". Certainly I kept an eye on other websites where he had a presence, though his contributions there withered at about the same as they did here on the GWF. It seemed to me that the review by Peter Stanley - a research professor at the University of New South Wales, Canberra - put Turna's theories very well into perspective.


I'm not sure that the Mods will approve of our publicising our own theories about Mr Turna himself, and should this thread encourage him to return to the Forum I suspect that he will continue to frustrate us.


Since the Forum upgrade, I  think that rank-and-file can no longer lock threads they've started and Mods may wish to do so in this case - or even delete it.



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Lock it by all means but don't delete the thread. Now anyone else who has just a slight nagging suspicion that there might be a tiny bit of truth in the story can read Moonraker's link in post 1 and be assured that there is none.



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