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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

The great war heroes of Bridlington, anyone have a copy ?


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Hello, anyone have a copy please?  Looking for a coldstreamer called Gledhill who won a military medal and bar



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  • 3 years later...

 Hi, I have a copy of the book where you can find Private 43340 Charles William Gledhill on page 127

Not a lot of information and states he enlisted into the Army Service Corps in 1914 before finding himself drafted to the 2nd/5th Lincolns on the 16th April 1915

He died at Polygon Wood during 3rd Ypres and is commemorated on panels 35 to 37 at Tyne Cot. There is no mention of him winning any medals or bars

Seem to think I did some research on him and found he was born in Gainsborough, Linc's

Hope the above helps


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I think this is the soldier Coldstreamer is seeking info on






Edit just noticed this is an old post  2016

Edited by RaySearching
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all the same for a reply 

Yes, I p/ex to get an ashanti boer war trio 

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