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Numbers of British P.1907 bayonets surviving


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Hi Terry the stamping and the preparation work is a little sub standard by the British for such an important customer. They didn’t do much quality control on the Bayonets compared to the rifles. I would love to know where those stamps are now. 

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Yes, some of the stamping are all over the place, looks like they were a a bit of an after thought.

#3078 which I came across yesterday, looks like it had also been chromed like your #3070.


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OK chaps, stand by your bayonets,

The last table showed 289 serials recorded.

You have reported a further three (8688; 3038; 3078) and trawling through my master list (bayos listed in order of being observed) I found X22X, not previously in Table.


So total now is 294....

BTW, thanks for calling me Boss, but I report to a higher authority, namely the long-haired general (SWMBO).







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I was just in the process of answering to Andrew1966 about smiling tiger #9589, which I might add looks to be in very nice condition, it would be interesting to see a better photo of the scabbard to see if smiling tiger stamped.

Unfortunately we already have #9589 listed on your latest list so not a new #.

Good to have another set of eyes out there cat hunting tho!.



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Apologies for my latest, embarrassing error!!!

If this keeps up, I will have more errors than serial numbers listed.....



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No need to apologise; main thing is that we are moving forward and the occasional feral can easily be disposed of.

In fact I have been out and checked the trap line this morning and I believe we have another new smiling tiger for the list.

#3734 looks correct to me.




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Mr TR,

You are too kind! Thanks for that new one.

You make the point, in another thread, that the locket/chape pairs on these Smiling Tiger scabbards do not carry any markings....must admit that I had not noticed that.

It now occurs to me that a unit-marking on the pommel is also never seen........EDIT : even scrubbed.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Perhaps one more? Sorry I grabbed the photo on the run and have not had correctly check 




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#7538 with nice clear markings, and yes, it is already on the list. New numbers have been hard to come by lately but sure another smiling cat is not to far away.


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This is the same one from last year from the same vendor. Actually I think he’s asking more than last year ***. My collection of 19 is appreciating well . At this rate I can buy another rifle to match ***


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On 01/11/2023 at 19:52, t.ryan said:


Afraid not. With a bit of luck, Matthewsq may revisit this post soon and give us a much clearer photo. Thanks for trying tho. 



I'm back fellas! 


Visited my parents place (a 4 hour flight - why does Canada have to be so big?) and snapped this photo. 


TR, good effort on the detective work. Hope this shot will clear things up. 



Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 3.33.11 PM.png

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Much better photo, looks like #7694—a new kitten….



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I hope you found it "good to be back home again" for a while, and thank you for the follow up on your smiling tiger bayonet.

That nice clear picture of #7694 makes all the difference. Glad we finally convinced you JMB, as I was about to re hash the old photo for a re think.

JMB, unfortunately we already have it covered in the incomplete number list so it will only be changing position on the list and will not be adding to the overall total.

The search is still on and #300 is not that far away.




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Smiling tiger #8715 has now been trapped.

I just tallied up from the last list of 289 + those found since; and I believe that #8715 will make it in at number 295.

If correct, that should put us just 5 short of the magical 300, which at one stage looked just to far away.




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Mr. TR,

Thanks for keeping your eagle eye on these individual numbers, and the tally, even if you do occasionally become that troublesome priest!


So, are you inviting me to pick any 2 from 3…….?

Also, where did you find these new serials ?

I’ll post the new list at the end of March, and thereafter at the end of every quarter.

Good tiger-spotting , everybody!






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JB, just on the old Facebook under various garbage. Feel free to choose whichever 2 you would like hahaha 

I got bored this morning making breakfast so here are a couple more I believe



2435? Or 8935…




kind regards







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JMB, navydoc16

Well it did not take long, (only a matter of hours)  to find those 5 extra smiling tigers and bring up the magical 300. In fact a litter of 8 with only 1 feral (#2590) amongst them. 

navydoc16, #6772 is actually #6552 but you are forgiven.

#,s 1909, 5329, 6552, 7408, 7435, 7603 and what I think #7x35, all appear to be new numbers and will take the tally over 300 #s recorded so far. 

navydoc16, I would not have found these as I do not use face book, so great that you came across them. 

JMB: wow, where to next and just how many more are out there.



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TR & Navydoc,

I don’t use Facebook either, but it seems to have a rich vein to mine—-thanks for sharing these new ones.

300 seemed awfully far off when we were at even 290- odd recently, and I was more than a little doubtful that we would actually make it.

Putting the new list together will be a real pleasure (TR will have to keep me honest, as usual); any thoughts on a new target—maybe 325 to start?




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4 hours ago, JMB1943 said:

TR & Navydoc,

I don’t use Facebook either, but it seems to have a rich vein to mine—-thanks for sharing these new ones.

300 seemed awfully far off when we were at even 290- odd recently, and I was more than a little doubtful that we would actually make it.

Putting the new list together will be a real pleasure (TR will have to keep me honest, as usual); any thoughts on a new target—maybe 325 to start?




Well I noticed early on that FB does not cache tag like other forums so there are some to be found in obscure posts and comments.

I am glad to be of service TR and  appreciate the forgiveness as usual, my eyes are not what they used to be.

alas, perhaps another two? 


kind regards




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Good find. #5238 is correct but your #8699 is actually #8655. Both are new numbers for JMB,s list which is already heading towards the next goal he has set of 325.




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On 20/01/2024 at 19:58, t.ryan said:


No need to apologise; main thing is that we are moving forward and the occasional feral can easily be disposed of.

In fact I have been out and checked the trap line this morning and I believe we have another new smiling tiger for the list.

#3734 looks correct to me.




This one will be joining me shortly I hope.

The scabbard and blade appear to be rather rough shape but we shall see.


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7 hours ago, 4thGordons said:


This one will be joining me shortly I hope.

The scabbard and blade appear to be rather rough shape but we shall see.


So Chris, it looks like you are assembling a prowl of tigers to guard the jewel in the crown, that gorgeous #6!

Please give us an update when she arrives.




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On 05/03/2024 at 07:38, JMB1943 said:

So Chris, it looks like you are assembling a prowl of tigers to guard the jewel in the crown, that gorgeous #6!

Please give us an update when she arrives.




Arrived today.

Scabbard is a bit battered, as are wooden scales, but the rest of it is OK (some surface rust on the pommel and cross-guard) but the markings are clear enough.

Looks like something fairly abrasive has been used to clean the blade at some point (esp on the obverse) but it was reasonably priced so I am happy with it.





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Yes, that ricasso has really been through the wringer!

The scabbard looks like it should clean up OK.





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