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Royal irish Fusiliers


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Thanks Liam - his daughter showed me his service papers for 6th RIRifles and then produced his dog tags - both marked 1 Lein C.E. (Church of England). Interestingly they were of a 'leather' type I had always associated with the early years of the war. Does this mean men out East did not have metal ID discs?

Interestingly he was a B special for some time after he came home. His daughter had picture of him in a platoon which had - wait for it - two Lewis Guns and a Vickers! Some firepower!


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Hi again Angela

The 5th & 6th Service Battalion RIF's were the only RIF's in Gallipoli.

5th Btn embarked Devonport 11th July (on the 'Andania'), stopped at Gibralter, Malta, Alexandria, Lemnos, Mitylene then to Port iero on 31st. Went onto Osmaniehon 6th August & sailed to Gallipoli. Anchored Suvla Bay (Gallipoli) 4.30 am on 7th. Took part in 'Chocolate Hill attack on same day, Many casualties from enemy shell fire whilst crossing Salt lake. Stormed Anafarta Plain & taken by 8pm. On 9th, repelled 2 strong enemy counter attacks. In action at The Pimple on 16th & held against repeated counter attacks. End August strength 4 officers & 537 Other Ranks. Sept 16th strength 4 + 160. left 17th for Mudros

6th Btn same route to gallipoli. Arrived 6.30am 1st August on ship 'Canada'. epedemic of Ptomaine poisining broke out on board & all transferred. Arrived Suvla Bay 7th. Supported 5th's attack on Chocolate Hill with little opposition. 89 casualties. Took part in Scimitar Hill attack on 9th - 17 officers & 232 OR's casualties. Also in The Pimple action. Casualties 10 Officers & 210 OR's. On 22ns strength 5 officers & 388 OR's. Sept left for Lemnos on 30th.

Both Btns switched between front line & support trenches between the actions noted above.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks again, Steve. You are a mine of information. I will have to look out all my very old WW1 notes from school and start revising!!

No prob Angela

If your old books dont help, call back & Ill see what I can find out for ya

Steve :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think your great grandfather may have been in the 2nd Bn, RIF as was mine. The 2nd Bn fought in France from December 1914 until towards the end of 1915 when they left France and went to Macedonia. The 2nd were never involved at Gallipoli.

Later on they moved again and were involved in the fighting against the Turks in Palestine.

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I think your great grandfather may have been in the 2nd Bn, RIF as was mine. The 2nd Bn fought in France from December 1914 until towards the end of 1915 when they left France and went to Macedonia. The 2nd were never involved at Gallipoli.

Later on they moved again and were involved in the fighting against the Turks in Palestine.

Wouldnt his MIC have said 'Theatre 1a France' in that case, not '2b Balkans'?

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