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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Interpretation of medical record

Phil Wood

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A Canadian soldier I am researching was invalided to England from France in September 1915 - his medical card gives a range of diagnoses.

9 Jul 15 - No 2 Field Amb -  Sick

21 Jul 15 - No 3 Gen Hosp - Sick, SLT, Rheumatism

13 Oct 15 - Can Conv Hosp - Rheum Fever

5 Jan 16 - Shorncliffe Mil Hosp - Circumcision.

14 Feb 16 - Dicharged


Two questions:


1. What wass SLT?


2. Why circumcision?


He went on to re-enlist and died as a 2/Lt in the RAF.

Edited by Phil Wood
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1) Don't know.

2) Presumably had a degree of phimosis, which is when the prepuce no longer retracts adequately, or has caused ballooning or other difficulty on passing urine. Phimosis can be a complication of some inflammatory skin diseases like lichen sclerosus, but that would be pretty rare. I wonder if it was a complication of untreated STI's?


How old was he?

Edited by Dai Bach y Sowldiwr
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Thans Dai & Bardass


He was 26 (born 19 Sep 1889).


I had a problem with 'slight' as the medical record has Sick, Slt, Rheumatism - lokking like a list of three.  However, looking at the handwritten version it is Sick, Slt. Rheumatism and slight makes sense.


This second version of the record includes a further entries:

29 Apr 17 - Seriously ill N Y D Q  

I get NYD is Not Yet Diagnosed but no idea about the Q?


It also shows up an error in the typed version - discharge was much later - 15 May 1917 wheras the Feb 16 date is discharge from hospital post circumcision.


Edited by Phil Wood
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'Q' sometimes turns up in medicine for 'Unknown' or something similar.

I think it stood for 'Query'


The origin of the name of the  illness 'Q Fever' originated this way I think.

Don't know if that's what it means in association with NYD (Agree, that stands for Not Yet Diagnosed).

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When you say he "died" as a 2nd Lieutenant in the RAF, do you know the cause of death? KIA, DoW, accident or died of disease or other? If disease it might be useful to know what.


Roger M

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  • 5 years later...

I would have thought trench conditions would have made hygiene difficult and hence the circumcision. Post WWI it became fashionable because of the trench experience.  

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