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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

1st DAC

Guest KimmisAloe

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Guest KimmisAloe



I'm very new to this Forum but enjoying it a great deal.  For many months now I have been trying to make sense of and learn about my great grandfather's participation in WW1.  Reading his Military Record is a project in translating handwritten notes, to say the least (but I'm loving it),  At any rate, any advise is greatly appreciated with my following dilemma:  He was part of the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force and arrived in England on Nov. 5, 1016.  According to his record, he arrived from England "(smudge) R to 1st Div in Attend 1st DAC"  I'm assuming this means he entered 1st Division Ammunition Column.  The next line reads "on arvl in France Reverts to Gunner" again assuming he is a gunner for the 1st DAC.  If you see any errors in my "decoding" please let me know.  How would I then find where this unit may have been located?  I've had trouble finding war diaries for the 1st DAC.  In july of that year, he was then posted to the 8th Army Bde of CFA which I have found easier to locate.  Thanks in advance for anyone's assistance.  


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Welcome to the Forum Kim,


For War Diaries of Canadian Divisional Ammunition Columns - try here - http://www.canadiangreatwarproject.com/warDiaryLac/wdLacP24.asp

Divisional Artillery War Diaries can also be found here - http://www.canadiangreatwarproject.com/warDiaryLac/wdLacP11.asp


Of course, if you could give more details about your great grandfather with a link to his record, maybe somebody might confirm your interpretation.

The knowledge and fresh eyes of the Forum are at your disposal.

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Welcome to the forum.


You may not be aware of Canadian Expeditionary  Force Study Group Forum - similar to GWF but solely for Canada's role in WW1.


Here is a link - 




There is some membership cross over but you may consider joining CEFSG is worthwhile.


Good Luck 


Steve Y



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