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I am planning a visit to the national archives next week to research my grandfathers service history . I know his name , regiment , enlistment / discharge dates & that he was wounded . Can anybody more knowledgable than myself advise me on which other areas i should be looking at , so that i can trace his movements during the great war ? Because of the great distance involved anything that would help maximise my chances of success would be greatly appreciated , thanks .

Steve. :)

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If his records have survived you should be able to find out which Battalion he was serving in, you can then access the War Diary for that Battalion. If the date he was wounded is in his records, using the diary you can at least find out where it happened.


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Steve ,

thanks you have been a great help . If his service records were unfortunately destroyed do you know of any other avenue i can pursue to obtain the same information ? Cheers ,


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I'm pretty new to all this too, so I thought I would offer a little guidance.

It seems the best route is to find his MIC on the NA website. The medal role number on the card then needs to be converted into a WO file number; this can only be done at the NA. I have never done this, but there is guidance on the NA website.

You can then look up Pte. Shurey in the medal rolls and establish the battalion in which he served.

Now armed with a battalion, you can consult the war diaries for your period of interest (WO 95). Once again a search on the NA site will give you the exact references for all the Middlesex diaries.

Admission and Discharge registers survive for many field ambulances, clearing stations, etc. at the National Archives in MH106, so you may find something there. A forum member, whose name escapes me, posted a long list to the forum.

I have a personal interest in the Middlesex Reg. as my gf and one of his cousins served in the 2nd and 8th battalions respectively.

Hope this helps.


(Dublin, Ireland)

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Justin ,

"Saved by the bell" . I'm making a trip to the national archives tommorow morning - this gives me several great leads , cheers .

A big thanks yet again ,

Steve .

(Attleborough , Norfolk).

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