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Current Amazon Kindle Deals

Stoppage Drill

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Just bought Kipling's Irish Guards History (2 vols) for 49 pence. Also, Brasshat in NML, The Men I Killed, Master of Belhaven Diaries, Dudley Ward's Welsh Guards History. 49 pence or 99 pence each. 

Several more available.at similar prices.


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All well and good, but what happens if Sainsbury's don't deliver the Izal?

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Always worth a trawl through Amazon every so often, searching on 'price low to high' . Some little treasures often appear, as Mr Drill points out.

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It can be done. If you've got a touch-screen Kindle or Fire tablet, or you're using the Kindle app on, say, an iPad, just use a thumb and forefinger pinch.

on the original Kindles with alphanumeric keyboards, use the left/right/up/down cursor control to move into the table or photo, and you should get a magnifying glass image. Press the ok button, and yo can then increase the image, using the cursor keys. It's clumsy, and not desperately efficient, but it does work.

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   SD- As a semi-retired bookseller, I am biased against  Kindle-  Old-fashioned-I prefer a lump of regurgitated, sliced-up dead tree with inky patterns in it to a sequence of electrical blips.

   Of the 4 books you mention, 3 are available for download and for free from www.archive.org.  The fourth, Belhaven Diaries,  is available for free from Bodleian Library as part of it's WW1 Centenary publication of materials.

    49p a pop is no great hill of beans but these very cheap Kindle offers tend to be on stuff that is available digitally for nowt anyway.  The low price usually indicates that it's free somewhere else if you look.


      Despite that, happy reading

(Wouldn't it be nice if IWM had digitised a wedge of stuff to help us all out- Alas,too much to hope-and another thread)

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I sort of agree with you. I tend to buy Kindle versions of books I already have, as there are occasions when carting actual books is a fag. Agreed you can often get the digital variants for free, but downloading a Kindle version is so easy, that 49p is not a factor (if it was ten shillings, I might take a different view). One other thing in Kindle's favour, and SD mentioned it, you can increase the font size, something I'm having to do more and more these days.

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 PG- Yes, Kindle does hit a particular market - which, obviously,pays off-as Amazon, I believe, are registered at Companies House and not with the Charity Commissioners.  I seek to promote Archive.org as I think there are many treasures there for FREE- but it is a consortium of digitisation projects-and funding for that must concentrate on the task in hand-ie they aint got the wonga for advertising.

   Carrying the physical object can sometimes be a problem-Tell me about it!!  As a bookseller everyone assumes

that bookselling is all about First editions, Booker Prize winners,etc-It isn't-It's about  a huge weight of dead tree, boxes and trolleys-as my back can vouch for  over the decades.

     Expanding the font size can be done on downloads from Archive an others- Alas, I am in the same position as you-the onset of cataracts means larger type and more light. I think when it gets to "Large Print Editions" then it's time for Beachey Head


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9 minutes ago, voltaire60 said:

the onset of cataracts means larger type and more light.

I had the lenses in both eyes replaced in 2014. I no longer need glasses for most distance work, though I still have reading glasses. The operation is quite simple and only takes about twenty-five minutes. If you have a decent hospital near you, I can thoroughly recommend this operation.


I use Kindle for fiction that I can read in bed, and for surfing the net and watching/listening to BBC TV or radio programmes. Otherwise I tend to stick with the printed word.



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9 minutes ago, Ron Clifton said:

he operation is quite simple and only takes about twenty-five minutes. If you have a decent hospital near you, I can thoroughly recommend this operation.



      Thanks Ron- I will await the course of events-  I have to take steroids,which can affect the calcium balance in bones-hence a calcium supplement- which has the side-effect of increasing the chances of cataracts. A merry-go-round. My local eye hospitals, Moorfields and Western Eye (where the present President Assad used to work?) are excellent-but I'm not even on a waiting list yet. What you say is good-that we have hospitals that are very good, despite the knocking they get.

  And, pinching a line from James Coburn in "Cross of Iron"- I find I can also no longer urinate out of my left ear. Ah,the infirmities of advancing years!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had one of my frequent trawls through Amazon's Kindle deals. There are some of note. Various 'VCs of the Great War' at £3.79 each, Don Farr's biography of Henry Horne, 'The Silent General' at £3, and Paul Cobb's 'Fromelles', at £3.79. Also, and interestingly, 'The Advance From Mons', Walter Bloem, and ' Landrecies to Cambrai' by G C Wynne at £3 and £2.63. These last two are both published by Helion, who have not, to my knowledge, issued Kindle versions up to now, and they are also offering Ralph Whitehead's 'The Other Side of the Wire, Vol 1', and Niaill Cherry's 'Most Unfavourable Ground' (on Loos) for £3 each. 


There's an earlier exchange on this thread about Real Books V Kindle, and it has to be admitted that Ralph's book, for example, probably doesn't translate totally satisfactorily to the Kindle experience, but if you are short of room, or cash, or want to have the book in a handy form, then Kindle versions are very handy. 

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