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Medal Cards WW1

Guest Malvern

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My grandfather was in the Royal West Kents from the 1890s, but was a civilian by 1908. He rejoined in 1914. On my father's birth certificate in 1916 he is in the 3rd Bat. RWK as a carman. The only likely medal card I can find gives a Peter Pope in the RWK and then the RE. If he was transferred to the railways in France is it likely he would he have been transferred to the RE as a Sapper?

I do not know his service number, his records are not at Kew and his medals were buried with him. At some point he was gassed so may not have been fit for front line duty.

My father wrote to the RWK Museum for help but none forthcoming. Would a visit to the Museum give me any more information?


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The Index Cards are now almost Completely listed{The NA site gives the % of each Letter ~ there are only a few now that are not 100%} the Peter Pope You state sounds Probable,The RE Had a Railways Section{Men Usually Prefixed "WR" before Number}.

Though I do not know the Archive Material kept @ the RWK Museum,it is unlikely they would have more than you can find @ the NA,as Regimental Museums Rarely have Personal information of ORs,Have you attempted to obtain the Service Papers of the P Pope Whose MiC is Listed?If They survive they may give indication as to wether he is indeed your Relative.If you obtain the MiC it sounds likely that he may have been discharged due to being Gassed,If a SWB is Shown as Issued you may have a further step up in tracing him.as you can then obtain a Copy of that page,

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Guest Ian Bowbrick
My grandfather was in the Royal West Kents from the 1890s, but was a civilian by 1908. He rejoined in 1914. On my father's birth certificate in 1916 he is in the 3rd Bat. RWK as a carman. The only likely medal card I can find gives a Peter Pope in the RWK and then the RE. If he was transferred to the railways in France is it likely he would he have been transferred to the RE as a Sapper?

I do not know his service number, his records are not at Kew and his medals were buried with him. At some point he was gassed so may not have been fit for front line duty.

My father wrote to the RWK Museum for help but none forthcoming. Would a visit to the Museum give me any more information?


Have you sent Terry Reeves an e-mail about this - he is the 'RE Man' here.

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Thank you for that information. I do indeed have a WR prefix to one of the RE numbers. There is then a ditto under RE and yet another number without the WR prefix.

I'm afraid I don't know what an SWB is. He was in the army until at least 1918. He was certainly a civilian by 1920 (son's birth cert.) So probably returned in 1919.

Unfortunately we cannot find any papers at Kew under the RWK number. Should we now try the RE numbers?

Many thanks for your help.


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I'm afraid I don't know what an SWB is. He was in the army until at least 1918.

Sorry SWB:is the "War Badge" a silver Circular Badge* Issued on application to those Discharged {Honourably}as No longer deemed being Suitable/Fit for Military Service[by reason of Wounds,Illness,Age,Infirmity,Etc;Caused by Military Service}The Index Card would have the Roll Page Code Index for SWB Below any Medals Awarded.If not so anotated then it is Unlikely he was so discharged

*See Long Trail For Example.

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Every time I come on here I pick up a new snippet of info.

Didn't realise there was a Silver War Badge Roll

I couldn't read properly the writing on Gt Uncle Richard Ridge's MIC

It says SW to possibly (Swl) then RA/3254


Does that look like SWB Roll. If so is there likely to be any info in the Roll.

Also on Gt Uncle Cecil Spark's MIC it says Clasp IVB. 1194 possibly (Ma)


None of the othe Rellys have any mention of Clasps or Silver War badges

did these both have to be claimed, is it possile Cecil claimed his Clasp as late as 1955?

Cheers Jane

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Every time I come on here I pick up a new snippet of info.

Didn't realise there was a Silver War Badge Roll

I couldn't read properly the writing on Gt Uncle Richard Ridge's MIC

It says SW to possibly (Swl) then RA/3254


Does that look like SWB Roll. If so is there likely to be any info in the Roll.

Also on Gt Uncle Cecil Spark's MIC it says Clasp IVB. 1194 possibly (Ma)


None of the othe Rellys have any mention of Clasps or Silver War badges

did these both have to be claimed, is it possile Cecil claimed his Clasp as late as 1955?

Cheers Jane

S'wat its all about!!

Yes The "SWB /****" is the Roll Page Reference,Held @ the NA{in Person Still Only excepting Officers Roll}

The Roll page will have additional information other than you may find on the Medal Roll;It Will include:regiment discharged From{Which might differ from,Regiment shown on MiC or Roll Page,} Date of Enlistment,Date of Discharge,{Possibly Reason for Discharge,Either as a King's Regulation Code{See Long Trail for Breakdown of these}or as an actual worded Reason,{eg:"GSW,Gassed,Age,Pnemonia,TB;Wounds,Loss Of Limb,Etc;BUT These are not always Shown}Sometimes the Age is Given,& for Officers an address is Shown.,They are a Useful Research "Tool"

Clasp/Etc for your other Man suggests Award of the 1914 Clasp to the 1914 Star.& claimed as late as 1955,

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Who is Terry Reeves? How do I email him?

Sorry to be such a novice at this!


Go to Member List & then use Contact {PM E Mail Button to contact}or Search through Postings until you find his Moniker~He Uses "Terry Reeves"

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